6 Things That Will Make You Dance Like Pharrell

Pharrell Williams sings about being happy. I know you’ve heard the song, it’s played on the radio about a zillion times a day.
We all want happy. Pharrell just puts on his cool hat, dances up a storm, and invites all us to be happy, feeling like a room without a roof.
I’ve always thought of myself as being a happy person, but when I look back on my life I have to admit that some of it was fake.
It isn’t that I’ve had much in my life that gave me reason to be unhappy. I don’t have a hugely tragic, sad story that held me back. Not at all, in fact I consider myself to be quite blessed for who I am, and the joys in my life.
Were there circumstances that kept me in places I didn’t want to be? Yep.
Did I wonder if I’d ever get out of those places? Sure.
Were there life-changing decisions that I had to make to feel what I wanted to feel? Absolutely.
I consider all that my learning. I truly believe that we are put on this earth with lessons to learn that make us stronger and allow us to be in greater service to ourselves and those around us. My challenges did just that for me. That’s why I’m a coach.
I now understand what was keeping me a happiness faker.
I wasn’t completely connected to myself. 100%. Without bullshit excuses. Without throwing myself under any buses. With the clear understanding that I have total responsibility for me and my experiences.
Like so many other women, I let my expectations, my circumstances, and my beliefs about myself determine how I felt.
Sometimes that crazy job, the shitty relationship, the overwhelm of life can take over and trick you into thinking that they are responsible for our happy, not you.
Calling you out here…don’t let those bastards take over! YOU choose your state of mind, nothing else. And the path to that is doing the work to be connected to yourself and getting your own needs met in ways that work for you.
It’s being there for yourself that 100%. It’s your room without a roof. There are no limits to who you can be or what you can have. Imagine how you would feel and what you would be doing if you were there?
Now that I’ve turned that corner myself, I spend as much time as I can dancing like Pharrell, or any other artist who puts themselves out there to be “in” happy. I like it there. When I am completely connected to me, my needs and to what I want to feel, I have let go enough to dance and be free. And to be authentically happy, not a fake.
Ready to rock the stage (or your kitchen) and clap along with Pharrell? You’re not alone, and neither am I. Here’s what I do and all the other women who have made a conscious decision to be that 100% connected to ourselves.
We love ourselves unconditionally. We love ourselves when things are going fabulously for us. And also when we trip, when we fall, when we fail. It’s all the same for us. There is no line that, if crossed, will make us decide otherwise. We love ourselves no matter what happens or doesn’t happen. It’s a deep acceptance and appreciation of who we are deep inside.
We take care of ourselves. We look after our physical, mental, and emotional health. We move our bodies in some sort of exercise that works for us, and we eat healthy food. We allow ourselves indulgences without guilt and we avoid excesses that make us feel lousy. We reach out for support when we need it, and when we need a recharge, we make it happen even if we have to say no to someone to get there.
We accept who we are and we don’t apologize for it. We know that not everyone is going to be cool with who we are, what we believe, or what we stand for, and we know that’s no big deal. We have come to terms with the fact that who we are, is who we are supposed to be. We don’t play small for other’s sake. We stand up for our sake.
We don’t live based on our body shape or size. Our experiences and our moods are not determined by what we look like. Fat, skinny, tall, short, none of it defines who we are. There may be things that we choose to change or modify, like going from a blond to redhead, or not letting anything interfere with our workout time, but if that’s the case we do them based on how we want to feel, not on what society tells us what we need to look like to be valuable. We know we are valuable right now, no matter what our bodies look like. We are comfortable in our own skin.
We don’t wear our past on our sleeves. Our past doesn’t haunt us, it just is what it is. We know that the past has a role in providing us many valuable lessons to take forward in our lives and therefore is part of our life path. We are not stuck there laying blame or beating ourselves up. We accept what is and move on into making our lives what we want them to be.
We get our freak on with both spirituality and friendship. We respond to our need for connection, human and otherwise. We know that friendship and spirituality are both hugely powerful relationships that can support us so we make time for the fixes.
How would your life be different if you felt like a room without a roof?
I’m starting my own happy revolution! Click to Tweet
With much Sunday love…xo

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