Let’s face it. We women spend far too much time feeling less than perfect.
Our inner mean girls live happily in our heads, telling us stuff that makes us believe untruths about ourselves, like what we can do and how we really look to others.
We easily create stories in our minds about relationships and the meaning of people’s words and actions. Most of those stories are unkind to our souls.
And we are awesome at comparing the shit out of ourselves to anyone who looks like they have a better handle on life than we do.
Crappy. And bloody tiring!
Here’s a little reminder to take with you through your week.
You may not be perfect, but you are perfect as you are.
You may have made some choices that turned out not so hot, and one or two decisions that you may now describe as shitty (along with a whack load of great ones!) but you are still perfect.
You may not have felt like you measure up in some social circles or groups but you are still perfect.
You may not like yourself or parts of you sometimes, forgetting to give yourself the care you deserve or to ask for help, but you are still perfect.
You may have wasted time on the wrong people, given your heart to some of them to have it shattered, or haven’t found the love of your life yet, but you are still perfect.
You may not have slam-dunked that goal or done that “thing” that you’ve dreamed about, questioning if you ever will, but you are still perfect.
Your kids may be (loveable) little shits sometimes, but you are still perfect (as are they!).
Your dress size may not be what you would like, but you are still perfect.
Your home may look like a bomb just went off in it, but you are still perfect.
Being perfect isn’t about doing everything like it “should” be done. Being perfect is doing things that make you happy, and letting go of the standards that hold you hostage.
Being perfect is paying attention to what is truly important to you over what you think you might be judged on.
Being perfect is who you are right now, where your messy, beautiful, sometimes quite crazy life hangs out.
Perfect is you letting go of those things that only hold you back, make your question yourself, and leave you feeling less than perfect.
Let me know when you are ready to rewrite those stories…
Dianna xo
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