Hey diy Ass-kickers!

This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. Just saying that brings pictures to my mind about warm family gatherings, plenty of good food, and giving thanks for all we have present in our lives. 

My favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner is when we go around the table and share what we are most grateful for. You may do the same thing at your family gatherings. I love how just posing the question can take a conversation from superficial to intimate in about 3 seconds flat!

Gratitude is such an amazing healing practice. CLICK TO TWEET

Just thinking about what we are grateful for makes us look into our deep core for the answers. And our bodies respond with feelings of warmth and love.
But as great as it is, I want to add some yummy pumpkin spice icing to the gratitude cake this year. I want us to ask ourselves that same question, but I want the answers to be all about us. 
Let's ask ourselves what we are grateful for about ourselves, and let's do that by speaking to ourselves as we would our very best friend, whom we love dearly and would do anything for. < What might we be grateful for from a compassionate place?

  • Is it our understanding that we need to give ourselves regular hugs?
  • Is it our refusal to beat ourselves up for past mistakes, knowing that those things make us human?
  • Is it that we practice forgiving others and ourselves too as a way to self-heal?
  • Is it that we know we need regular check-ins with ourselves to offer understanding and acknowledgement of how hard some of the shit we have to face can be?
  • Is it that we allow ourselves to feel our feelings, the good, the bad and the ugly, because we know they are part of us too?

In my world, all those things are worth being ecstatically grateful for.

Because it's tough to be grateful for much if we aren't first grateful for us and the things we know about ourselves that help us feel peaceful and content.

What about you? What are you grateful for about you? How do those things help you take care of yourself?

You know that woman who we need to treat like we do our best friend? I am grateful for her. 

When you connect with your woman, I hope you are grateful for her too!

You need each other. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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