Do you know where your mind is focused every day?
Your mind can be focused on anything you chose to focus it on. It can work to help you grow and feel good about your life, or it can zap the shit out of it. That includes your physical energy, your relationships, what you go after and what you don’t, and what you think of yourself.
I talk to women all the time who are losing mind energy by focusing on shit that doesn’t matter. When they are chin deep into their current focus, they just don’t see themselves anymore; and when they do see themselves, their vision is skewed by who they think they should be. 
Here are some things you might be focussing on that drain your mind energy. They are also things that you have complete control over. Yep, you do! 

  • Lamenting over past decisions that now look like the wrong ones… or focus on letting go of your past decisions, good or bad, and looked at what they taught you about what’s important to you. 
  • Worrying about what other people think about us… or focus on trusting yourself enough to know that you are the one who’s opinion really matters.
  • Blaming others for whatever circumstance you are in… or taking total responsibility for yourself, your behaviour, and your decisions. All of it.
  • Entertaining thoughts of that wine that will make the day feel so much better… or figuring out what it is that you want to stop feeling by drinking that wine. 
  • Taking our feelings of frustration out on those around us… or recognizing our feelings in the moment and why we are having them. 
  • Working too hard to always do the right thing… or making a conscious decision each day to do what is right for you by saying “no fucking thank you” to the shoulds.

(That’s just a few. Let me know if you’ve got more!)

If you need some encouragement to move outta brain drains, think about this. 
Like most things I blog about, it’s all about you. You deciding to live your life for you. The you who may be scared shitless but still steps up, pulls herself out of outer drama and works her own deep core to define her idea of happy. The you who may take a few hits along the way but plays her resilience card to make sure she follows through on her chosen path. The you who isn’t afraid to be honest and vulnerable about your feelings and move the fuck on.
That you is the woman who is reading this right now. 
Brain drains suck your energy away from focussing on shit that really matters to you and your happy. 
Seriously, how many times have you said you wanted things to be different? 
Now is your time.

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