So you know you need to shift some shit around in your life.
You kinda know what needs shifting but beyond that, the how-to part  like completely overwhelming.
Last week I mentioned about how sometimes we know what we need to do to make changes, but still hold ourselves back from taking those leaps into a better place.
I think we’ve all been there at one time or likely many times. I mean, think about the number of Universal nudges or even pushes that you may have had before you made a significant change for yourself. Those are because we rarely respond immediately to the first nudge. That Universe takes no shit however. If you don’t get their memo, they send it again repeatedly, each time with more cosmic heavy weight behind it. And I for one am grateful they do. Gotta love the wake up calls when we would much rather sleep through the hard parts of change.
So as you sit in whatever place you are in at the moment, contemplating what’s not working, creating dreams and what they look like, trying to figure out what the heck the first step might be to getting to them, keep in mind that you don’t have to beat yourself up because your path isn’t crystal clear.
You can just do what you can.
And you can do that by first of all, deciding on one or two things that might move your forward or make you feel better. You don’t need to solve the entire problem right out of the gate, you can start with doing things that simply feel good. You don’t have to spend money or challenge yourself in a huge way. As an example, a walk is often enough of a start for me when I need a place to shift from and my head isn’t there yet.
Secondly, treat yourself where you are right this moment with sheer, unadulterated compassion. And remember, compassion doesn’t mean bail. I know full well that sometimes we get this calling to jump ship and back pedal on what we know fucking well what will work for us. Compassion is being in integrity with yourself and your needs, not with self-deprecating negativity, but with love and kindness. Acknowledging where you are in this moment without judgement is compassion. Diy ass-kicking to remind you of your inner strength and power to get shit done is compassion. Doing what you say you’ll do to get there is compassion.
You get to just do what you can.
It’s a start.
But it’s very likely the start of something that may be huge to you.
Dianna xo
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