Hey diy Ass-kickers
I truly admire people who live and work to service of others and the community.

Especially those who take a stand for what they know clearly is not right.

There are so many people (women and children are high on the list) that need support of others to eat, to keep a roof over their heads, and to keep their families safe and healthy. And then there are people who carry the trauma of rape and sexual assault, women who fear for their lives in their own homes, and people who are being chased down in the streets because of their gender identity.
Then there are those of us whose only barrier to helping others is to decide to do it. Decide to take a stand.
We need to be clear about something though because I don’t want you to be thinking that you just can’t add one more thing to your plate, that you already don’t have time for your own shit.
You know that I bitch a lot about how we can forget us while helping others. And we justify ourselves by thinking it’s in service of others when it really is not. When we are in the do-for-others shit that deep that we miss taking care of ourselves, we’re actually consumed with needing to keep up that “good person” image while our nasty mean girls fuck with our heads.
If that’s you, you can grab it before your head explodes and clear it. Ask yourself…who am I doing this for? And how can I be in service of those that need help in my world, be it friends, family, or my community, without losing my self and my shit in the process?
Back to being in service. I have yet to meet a woman who didn’t have any desire to help another person. It’s just not in our DNA. But we still can choose how we do it, when we do it, and honour our own needs in the process.
And here is very the best part of helping others. It’s your chance to work your inner magic on the outer world. Yep, your deep core can shine its light on issues and people who need to be seen, heard, and backed up in this all too often crazy world.
More questions for you!
What issues trigger your heart? What really hits you hard? What matters so much in your community, close or far away, that you want to be part of its solution?
That’s your deep core reminding you that when you don’t connect to what’s important to you, you’re gonna feel discomfort of some kind or another.
Take that inner understanding and turn it outward. No matter what the issue, no matter who agrees or disagrees, no matter if you are worried you’ll never make an impact.
It’s easy to forget sometimes that we have power inside us that can truly create change in the lives of others. And by doing it from our own deep core, it’s a total win/win.
Ready to take a stand?
P.S. Love to hear what your stand is, so hit reply and share!

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