I’m not just an intuitive life coach.
I’m a fast-moving no punches ‘til-the-end by-your-side accomplice accessory abettor and staunch COHORT pushing pulling and prompting you to go after the thing, idea, vision, the peace and the self-reliance …
the promise you’ve made for a long time…
the one you’ve made to your heart and to your soul,
plucking out your voice from deep within
And using it with pure, unwavering, self-honour
The Crave More Life Roadshow with financial expert Dr. Cora Pettipas
Watch it here! https://youtu.be/Dg7EVny4mIQ Or listen here- International Best Selling author, Dr....
Feel to heal with heart
When I began my healing journey, I became very aware of what was holding me back from being the...
The Voice Wound 🤐
Unfortunately, using our voice doesn’t come naturally to very many of us walking this planet....