let's talk about voice!
We all have a voice, and can confidently and unapologetically use it.
Meet Dianna Leeder
Dianna Leeder CPCC is the author of the 4-book series Find Your Voice, Save Your Life, a podcaster, a Certified Co-Active Life Coach, an ACI Certified Confidence Coach, and a Reiki Master/Teacher.
With over 40 years of self and client-informed voice work, Dianna has a vision of showing the world that women and men have voices that need to be heard to improve their relationships, starting with the relationship with themselves, and live vibrant and joyful lives.
Dianna works with those who are tired of being quieted or silenced to use their understanding of their inner selves to heal their voices and live out loud. She also trains coaches and holistic practitioners to become Certified Find Your Voice Healers.
Dianna’s model of finding your voice and her work is transformational in its ability to shift perspectives, beliefs, and behaviours, and to support a higher level of consciousness and vibration within her clients.
If you have a media platform or an audience who would benefit from learning more about Dianna’s model of finding and using our voices, please reach out for a conversation at dianna@cravemorelife.com.

Voice is our universal expression. We all need to use our voices with confidence and clarity to live joyful and vibrant lives. Dianna will tailor her presentations about voice and any part of the Find Your Voice healing model to your specific group or learning agenda.
- Group chapter readings for any of the Find Your Voice, Save Your Life books
- Find your voice, save your life coaching tips for groups of coaches and healers
- Guest presentations to your client group on supporting the use of voice, and any specific part of the FYV model that is of interest
- Podcast guest
- Media discussion: The Power of Voice: Why Finding Your Voice Is One Of The Most Important Things You Will Ever Learn.
- Are you helping or hiding? on Sacred Beauty Lifestyle with Lisa Eddy
- Find Your Voice, Save Your Life Interview with Betsy Wurzel on Passionate World Talk Radio
- Hemali Vora, Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 – Find Your Voice, Save Your Life, A conversation with Dianna Leeder