As coaches, holistic practitioners, and healers, we could all use an informal network, one that holds space for us personally and in business, respects and adores our individual version of magic, and supports us to use our voice in all ways.
Welcome to the Gathering!
Because you know that using your voice isn’t just about speaking certain words, it’s also about how we show up and express ourselves with what’s happening to the planet, how we raise our vibration and that of people around us (including our clients), and how we keep ourselves strong enough to do the work we are here to do.
Think living a conscious lifestyle, openly using our intuitive guidance, social influences that mess with us and our clients, supporting Mother Earth, and getting member feedback on what’s up with your biz. There are so many places where our voices are challenged and we could use a sounding board to support us to speak the truth of our authentic selves.
We all need that kind of backup. The Gathering is an informal network where we share, hold space, and expand in whatever way we’re called to expand, support others, and grow.
What does your participation look like?
- Show up to our monthly Gatherings meetings on Zoom the 3rd Wednesday of each month
- Engage in our no-pressure discussions as you can
- Take your turn bringing your discussion to the group so we can learn from you too
- Always strive to be high vibe
- Do it all with respect and unconditional love for yourself, others, and the planet
It’s that simple.

Bring your whole self, assume others will do the same, and be supported to use your voice in strong and self-loving ways that will rock your world and that of your clients.
Attend your first Gathering free as a guest.
Lifetime Membership after that is $111 CAD + GST/HST for CAD residents
Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month 11 am – 1 pm EST.
We are the Gathering.
We’re not going to give you more to do in your already busy lives, we’re supporting one another to be our best in what we’re doing right now with some high-vibe fun! Once your application is received and reviewed, you will hear from Dianna with the Zoom details.
Bring your heart, your soul, and your unconditional love for the world.
And snacks, snacks are always good!
See you at our next Gathering!

Dianna Leeder and Crave More Life Coaching reserve the right to deny any application that is deemed to not be in the best interest of the CML as an organization or any of it’s programs, products or current/past/future clients, including The FYV Healer’s Collective and The Gathering.