Beautiful human, you’ve got a story.
Traumatic or not, it needs to be told in your way.
Expressing your story heals a little or a lot,
and it’s a beginning to releasing the hold it has on you.
And isn’t that what we all want?
Your story’s been sneaking up on you for a long time, likely years. It pops up, reminding you that it lives inside you, and as much as you try to tuck it away, you know you need to do more to manage it.
I bet you’re a writer now, most of us with stories are called to write. Your journalling is writing, your written reflections of what’s going on in your life is writing, posting on social is writing. Any expressions from your heart and soul is writing.
You’re on this planet to heal. Writing, whether you realize it or not, is a great place to do just that. Maybe you’ve experienced healing through expressing your words before, or maybe it’s new to you. Know that each time you jump in with your pen and get real with yourself, you peel off another layer of whatever part of your story is tucked away inside you.
Know that whatever your healing looks like is entirely up to you. Self-expression of any kind is using your voice to bring peace and healing into your life so you can experience more of what you want, things like joy and even bliss. You get to go as deeply as you feel comfortable, supported by me and the rest of the group.
We can’t change our history, that’s a definite. And there is no shame in wanting to keep it quiet, not wanting anyone to know about it, or simply not being ready to deal with it. Just know whatever nudges you’re getting from the Universe, urging you to heal, won’t go away on their own.
There are those who have experienced serious abuse and neglect and have written through to self-acceptance. There are those who have lost a loved one and written through their grief. There are those who have suffered from addiction and written through their shame. And there are those who don’t identify with trauma in their history but feel the need to get their words out. All have gone forward with more strength and conviction to honour themselves.

Those humans and so many more, have a deep longing to share their stories for themselves, and in some way help others. When they take the leap, they heal in the process.
Is that you?
It was me. My real voice was silenced as I ran around supporting everyone else in my life because I thought that was what was expected of me. Writing about that part of my life, and many others, has kept me clearly on the path of self-discovery, self-acceptance and being true to myself.
What would it be like to not be shackled to your history?
To not let it hang above you like a big cloud that falls when least expected?
To release some of the hold that your history has on you?
To use your heart to guide you, instead of being directed by lingering shame, guilt or fear.
And maybe, just maybe, experience even deeper healing when you publish your story one day.
Writing for the Heal of It
A safe, non-judgemental space to write and heal
Here’s what it looks like
- 2 hours a week for 6 weeks
- Share your written words with other like-minded humans who also have stories to tell.
- Small, intimate groups that encourage connection and support of one another.
- Lessons for creating your own safe space to write, and how to get your words out in a way that supports you and your journey.
- Tips for storytelling that my book authors love.
- On-the-spot intuitive coaching through the hard stuff that may pop up.
- A personal introduction to my publisher should you be interested in joining a book collaboration.
- Total fee is $333 due upon registration, or split the payment into a deposit on registration and a second payment before the class is completed.
My thank you gifts for showing up for yourself
- A beautifully designed, personalized online portfolio for your favourite writing piece from the sessions in a format you can add to, because you know you’ve got more than one story in you.
- Discount on my group coaching programs to support your healing further.
- Access to my Mama Speaks Up Facebook group for women looking to use their voices to live the experiences they want.
Getting Registered!
Begin by setting your intentions below for this class. When you hit submit, you’ll be taken to my calendar to book a short chat with me where I will share your payment link.
$333 in one payment
$166.50 on registration and $166.50 by the end of the program
HST/GST added as applicable
All classes run over 6 consecutive weeks within May & June
Thursdays from 11:00 am to 1 pm EST
Submitting your form will take you to my calendar
to book a 30-minute Zoom chat where Dianna will answer any questions
and share your payment links.
I believe that using our voices to be true to ourselves is what we’re here to do. I also believe in giving back. For every 3 full-paying registrations in any of my programs, 1 other woman will be gifted a free registration in that same program. No strings.
Dianna xo
Any questions? Reach out to me at dianna@cravemorelife.com.

Dianna Leeder is a Certified Co-Active Professional Coach, a Certified Confidence Coach, an author, podcaster, and an Intuitive Life Hack at Crave More Life Coaching. She helps humans, tired of being quiet in any way, start using their voices to heal and express themselves to be themselves. Dianna offers a platform for healing by learning to use our voices without apology or regret, openly sharing our stories through writing and publication, and by certifying Find Your Voice Healer practitioners. Learn more about Dianna’s work at www.cravemorelife.com.
“Everyone has a story to tell and I strongly urge you to join Dianna’s book projects so that you can tell yours. It will truly be life-changing and you owe it to yourself to do this! Through the process of writing your chapter, not only will you find personal insight and growth, but I guarantee that you will help change the life of someone out there who needs to hear your words and your story.”
“HOLY Guacamole!!!! My heart is full. Just submitted my first-ever writing that is expected to be published. My heart = in gratitude. Thank you, Dianna! This IS big, awesome, amazing and courageous work!! I am so grateful to have landed right here.”
“It was a therapeutic, yet very difficult and emotional journey for me to finally “ find my voice “, as I know it was for the other writers. I am forever grateful to Dianna for her endless support, encouragement, guidance, friendship and love and for this amazing opportunity.”
“It is a mighty fine day to have a dream come true. So excited and honoured!”
“Collaborating with Dianna Leeder’s Find Your Voice Save Your Life Vol 2 book project was a highlight of my year. From the ease of connection and communication with Dianna, to how the project dovetailed with my own business and programs, it was synchronistic magic at its finest! The potency of really being in the energy of authentically sharing my voice, story, and personal transformation helped me break a new income milestone in my new business as well! In addition, I experienced even deeper healing and release with the imprinting of the events I shared in my chapter. If anyone has the opportunity to join one of Dianna’s collaborations, I wouldn’t hesitate. The rewards for me personally, in my business, and financially have been returned 10-fold!”
“I’m so glad I was part of Writing for the Heal of It with you!”
“I would highly recommend Dianna’s writing programs and I have already spoken to three women who I feel have a message to share and, through the process, an opportunity for personal growth and clarity!”
“While I wasn’t sure at first if I should write my story, I am now so grateful that I did. Most of all, writing this chapter helped me to do some personal healing that I had subconsciously pushed aside. I thought I was “fine” but the writing helped me to realize that I really wasn’t, and the reflecting that I did throughout the process gave me personal strength. Writing this chapter helped me to rise above blame, shame, and doubt to accept the challenges before me and helped me regain so much of what I thought I had lost. In addition, I am now linked with an incredible group of women who have taught me so much through our journey together!”
“Dianna, I loved your introduction in our book as it was so you – caring, supportive and loving with a sort of unconditional love that’s rare to find, your acknowledgement of what we all had to go through to put ourselves out there, and the huge healing and strength that came with it. May this just be the beginning!”
“When I first started writing this chapter I found myself reliving a lot of past traumas. But the writing was actually hugely cathartic and self-revelatory, a time of constant epiphanies that I now have a different perspective towards those experiences, and was able to rid myself of a lot of guilt I had been carrying around. Dianna Leeder’s whole approach was hugely supportive, totally non-judgmental and motivating. I would encourage everyone to go through this process. It’s powerful!”
“I was grateful for the opportunity to speak of how I had been constrained for so long; the opportunity to unlock my voice. I loved the lessons on writing and appreciated the supportive and honest feedback to get my words on paper in a way that readers could follow the story and the message could be heard.”