Save Your Life

Powerful Women, Real Stories

“Every woman deserves to be heard, and when we speak from our own truth, we heal.”
– Dianna Leeder

24 women share their powerful, personal stories of losing and finding their voices, each eager to help another woman find hers. This book is about surviving and thriving; each a different story offering you or someone you know strength, courage and hope.

“Find Your Voice, Save Your Life is an easy read, where you’ll hear your own story as a mother, daughter and wife, and then finally, as a woman. I related to many of the experiences these women wrote so eloquently about. Some brought tear to my eyes. Others made me furious. This book speaks to all women who strive to stand tall and find their voices in a world that surppresses and oppresses them. These stories are important to hear and to be told. Thank you, Dianna Leeder, for facilitating this books creation. It’s a labour of love and more importantly, a powerful story of woman hood.”

Vianne Timmons / President of Memorial University, career advocate of women and leadership, office of the Order of Canada 2017.

“This is a powerful and inspirational book for women yearning to speak their truth, discover more of their authentic selves and live more loving and meaningful lives. As you read each woman’s story you will be comforted to know you’re not alone and that your transformation is truly possible!”

Lori Leyden, PhD / The Grace Process ™, Create Global Healing, the Evolutionary leaders Global Circle.

“Ironically, I’m speechless. Not just because of the title, but despite being an expert speaker and author, I simply cannot find the words to describe the power of these stories. Dianna’s masterful collection will more than move you. No matter where you are now or where you’ve come from, you’ll be empowered to stand up for what you want and who you want to be.”

Alyssa Dver / CEO American Confidence Institute, TEDx & Boston Best Speaker, Author of Confidence is a Choice: Real Science, Superhero Impact.

FIND YOUR VOICE, Save Your Life: Powerful Women, Real Stories

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