Take your story from your heart to your page and become a co-author of a published book!

I bet you’re like me.

Loving, respectful, kind. Talented, creative, competent.

And, just like me, I bet you have a story behind how and why you lost your voice that could use telling.


It’s a platform for healing through writing. Women tell their stories about losing and finding their voices and other women use those stories to begin to heal their own voices.

I’m Dianna Leeder and my business is Crave More Life Coaching. We are here to show the world that women have a voice and are confident enough to unapologetically use it. We no longer need to be silenced by our past influences, the ongoing push back of life, or even by ourselves.

I healed as I wrote my first chapter about using my voice. It was an incredible process to look at what had kept me quiet or silenced in the past, and decide how I could align my voice to what I needed, wanted and desired.

Getting my story on paper and out of my head space of limiting beliefs was freeing. Writing helped me create an awareness that was a gift I had never given myself before.

I learned that, even though I wasn’t taught to be a badass as a kid, I was quite capable of using my voice. Quite capable of facing the little things about me that I didn’t think were acceptable to those around me, and well…be me.

After all, deep down I was never really the woman I always thought I supposed to be, and it was about time I started to act on it.

That story was published in a best selling book. That’s a badass action right there that validates our experiences and has us standing with them as we move forward, not as a hidden secret but more like a hidden gem.

What would happen if a group of women got together and used writing to uncover those hidden gems?

Find Your Voice, Save Your Life: Powerful Women, Real Stories was my first collaborative book as Lead Author, and is now an International #1 Best Seller in Canada and a Multi Category Best Seller in the US. It has now become the Find Your Voice, Save Your Life series of books, all sharing personal stories of how our voices get found.

And you could be in the next Edition!

You could join a group of 25 women who are brave enough to stand together and share their stories with the world, and heal in the process. You too, can use your voice to align to your greatness.

There are so many benefits! You’ll have access to writing support, coaching, and celebratory workshops, as well as incredible business development support for holistic healing practitioners from our publisher Brave Healer Productions.

I’m a Life and Confidence Coach,and an Intuitive Life-Hack who works with women on how to live their whole lives in a self-determined way. I’m also an Author, a Blogger, and a Podcaster, and I invite you to apple for your spot in the next collaborative book about women’s voices.

Everyone has a story to tell and I strongly urge you to join Dianna Leeder’s project so that you can tell yours. It will truly be life-changing! You owe it to yourself to do this! Through the process of writing your chapter, not only will you find personal insight and growth, I guarantee you will help change the life of someone out there who needs to hear your words, your story. Dianna was an amazing coach through the process of developing my chapter and through her words, I found mine. This project was a step in my healing and growth for which I will be forever grateful.  
Nora Imrie-Leeder BA, B. Ed

Is there a seed way deep inside the darkest part of you that needs a gentle nudge to start to germinate, grow, and blossom? In my case, writing my chapter in the FYV, SYL book did that for me. It stretched me out of my comfort zone and outside of myself where the magic happens. Telling my story has moved me closer to healing and if it moves even one woman forward on her healing journey, my job is done. Come on out of the shadows. Your co-authors, but particularly lead author, Dianna Leeder, will fertilize and tend to your fragile tiny sprouts.

Karin DesChamp

B.A., B.Ed., CYA-RYT200, Therapeutic Touch Practitioner, Ageless Grace Educator


Know your story, write your story, and tell your story. It’s all healing work.

Want to be in my next collaborative book?

When I first started writing this chapter I found myself reliving a lot of past traumas but it was a time of constant epiphanies. I now have a different perspective towards those experiences. Writing it was hugely cathartic and self-revelatory. I rid myself of a lot of guilt I had been carrying around. Dianna Leeder’s whole approach was hugely supportive, totally non-judgemental and motivating. I would encourage everyone to go through this process. It’s powerful!

Kamini Saini