every human on this planet (me included)
has had their voice challenged at some point in their lifetime,
and in that moment, each of us has been given a choice.
Do I speak up or do I stay quiet?
speaking up means taking a risk that you might
lose someone’S respect or even love.
staying quiet means that all that is you, in all your magnificence,
is ignored.
the truth is, Our human experiences can shut us up and fast.
the human sauce (our social conditioning and learning) can keep us quiet, ashamed, regretful, frustrated, and
unable to say whatever we need to say that will leave us
feeling good about ourselves.
The second truth is, feeling good about ourselves
is how we find and use our voices.
I’ve been there.
Even today, I keep my spidey senses sharp and use my awareness to avoid old triggers that will keep me quiet.
triggers are part of our human experience, but I’m so over letting them silence me or tell me to silencE myself.
The wise voice sage
is our
not-so-secret weapon.
We have a sisterhood that has the same dreams, the same feels, and the same yearning for more, just like us.
We need to work that sisterhood together.
This is the village that will support us to rise above the effects of the human sauce.
it’s women who walk in our shoes and will support us, as we support them, to use our voices in ways that heal us from tHE inside OUT and leave us feeling good, really good.
our village leads with love and compassion because we all know what it feels like to be silenced and we’re done tolerating anything that puts us in the back seat of our own lives.
Voice is everything, RIGHT?
If we can’t use our voices to express ourselves, we simply won’t get what we need, want, and desire.
From what we want to do with our lives, to who we allow to be part of it, and anything in between that may be hard for us to say, expressing ourselves is how we understand who we are (without anyone else’s influence), and experiencing what we truly want.
Not getting our needs met means we live in misalignment with ourselves, and we all know how that feels.
Shitty! emotionally, mentally, and physically. and don’t forget the spiritual nudges that arrive to remind us that we can have more. So much more.
because we’re not on this earth to feel shitty.
We’re here to use our voices to have the best lives we can, with relationships with ourselves and others that feel right, fueled from our heart space instead of from our heads or our fears.
it’s morning coffee in the sun, cuddles with our kids, world travel, purposeful work, hanging with nature, whole self-care, healing the planet, being grateful and kind like we expect of others.
we always know what’s right for us. we can Say yes and we can say no while embracing compassion and love as a way of life.
Join me for The wise voice sage,
a private membership group for women.
WVS is a discussion-based group about our real-time experiences with using our voices.
Post when you’re called to with good voice experiences, not-so-good voice experiences, questions, and discussion of ways the human sauce (our human social conditioning and experiences) holds us back from using our voices.
Use the group as your grounding point for expressing that beautiful voice of yours and maintaining your vibration.
Each month, we will gather live to pull cards, write, meditate, check in with one another and even hold dance parties, all to deepen our connection to ourselves and help integrate new learning for ourselves.
That’s how we all heal to be fully expressive of our needs after being voice-wounded. Being silenced or quieted is exhausting and can create lots of habits and patterns, so please give yourself the grace to heal and care for yourself.
This isn’t like most online groups. You decide what and when you need to post. That being said, the more you participate, the deeper the learning and support is for everyone.
The power of the sisterhood is mighty and strong, so be prepared to give and receive.
This space is for all of us: me, you, and the collective of women drawn to it. You’re welcome to post what when you’re called to, and respond to other’s posts with the love and compassion you would expect to receive. You have a deep understanding of what it’s like to be silenced and holding your hand our and sharing your experiences with others is meaningful.
I am your Wise Voice Sage offering you coaching tips and prompts in this space on how to find, use, and maintain your voice with conscious self-alignment, intention, and intuitive channeling that comes through for individuals and the group.
I’m a coach, a mentor, the author of the Find Your Voice book series, and the founder of the Find Your Voice Certification Training for healing practitioners. Join me as we tackle what’s relevant to our voice experiences and integrate our learning together.
Join The Wise Voice Sage for $33 + CAD GST/HST per month (About $25 US). Memberships begin for a 3-month minimum and are billed monthly to your cc. Hurry, this fee will be going up at the end of the year.
Please fill out the registration and intention form below. Submitting it will take you to my calendar to book a 30-minute chat with me to answer any questions you have about Wise Voice Sage. I’ll hook you up from there!
I believe that using our voices to be true to ourselves is what we’re here to do. I also believe in giving back. For every 3 full-paying registrations in any of my programs, 1 other woman will be gifted a free registration in that same program. No strings.
Dianna xo

Dianna Leeder CPCC is a certified life and confidence coach for women, a healer of broken spirits, a teacher of diy ass-kicking, and a partner in getting your voice back. Wanna know more? Check her out at