… to the one you left behind so long ago?
… the one who knew what you wanted and went for it?
… the one who has been hurt, humbled, and even a bit broken, but can’t wait much longer to be their real self?
… the one who pulls at your tee-shirt, anxious to see what the future holds?
… the one who’s been with you the whole time, staring back at you in the mirror, holding you from the inside out, waiting to be seen and heard, and show the rest of the world who she really is?
Let me tell you, it’s not about being weak or being a bitch.
I know that we can reach a point when we can’t use our voices in ways we want to, we can become sad, frustrated, resentful, and even angry. That’s ok, they are natural stages of finding your voice, and you will know what to do with those energies if they arrive for you. For now, know that they don’t define you.
It’s about being yourself and treating you and others with love and deep compassion.
It’s about looking at your choices and making decisions based on what’s important to you, what works for you.
That’s what lets us walk away with our heads held high, feeling good about who we are and how we show up.
My programs are about learning why we’re voice-challenged to begin with, and figuring out how to support ourselves so we can honour our bodies, our minds, and our Souls consistently, saying yes to what truly serves us and saying no to what doesn’t.
All without guilt, shame, or regret.
Relationships are where we play out the life we have or the life we want, it’s our choice. Being a Soul in a human body, we use relationships to play and learn, experiencing the good and the not-so-good.
Everything is a learning opportunity as we continually strive for the good.
We grow and transform through all our relationships, and it starts with the most precious one.
The relationship we have with ourselves. That’s where we begin and where we come home to.
No matter what has or is happening to you; know that I will see you as a whole, competent, and capable human.
And I will teach you every skill, every tool I have that will help you be who you’ve been waiting for.
Because I see you and I’ve been you.

but YOU ALSO FEEL annoyed. it’s your life, right?
You want to be strong like you know you are inside.
You want to stand up and say what you need to say to honour yourself.
And you want to feel good about your choices and your life.
…Despite the relationships or the job.
Despite the circumstances.
Despite not knowing what to do to get what you want.
And despite every sharp-tongued thought that’s causing you to question yourself,
over and over and over again.
THE GOOD NEWS? I can help you.
THE BAD NEWS? There is no bad news, the world is waiting for you to be happy!
You’re in the right place!
I’ll shove you to the front of the line with all the love I can muster. Yep, that’s the line you need to cross to honour yourself and get your needs met.
They say the best things in life aren’t free. I say the best things in life happen when you’ve got someone by your side who can teach you a path and stand beside you, cheering you on as you walk it, with a little divine intervention!
The kind of someone who’ll teach you how we hide from ourselves when we can’t use our voices, and lovingly call you on it when it happens. It’s the someone who will lure you out of your own head, and belly dance with you over to your heart space, where your Soul’s needs are written.
Because my thing is helping women like you — women who’ve had their voices silenced too many times — to find the strength to do what they were meant to do. To who they were meant to be and feel how they were meant to feel. We’re not here to have a shitty life. We are on this planet to make every moment one that has you asking when you get more of THAT. The love, the compassion, the joy, the bliss, and the vibrancy of life that puts you and your vibration on a natural high.
Sometimes, even when we recognize that things need to change in our lives, it feels impossible to take that first step.
We’ll spend time stripping back those things that don’t serve you — the blaming, the negative mindsets, and the doing more for others syndrome. And we’ll immerse ourselves in how to take radical responsibility for your happy, since that’s the first step in having a life full of crazy, wild joy. You do want a bit of wild, right?
I’ve worked with women from all walks of life for over 4 decades. I’m a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), and have my certification in Confidence Coaching from the American Confidence Institute. I’m a Reiki Master/Teacher and I use my spiritual gifts to strengthen your self-resilience so you can be the woman you want to be, getting ALL your needs met, and living however you choose to live.
I also support women in writing their own stories as a healing tool. Some of those women (and men) have been in one of my 4-book series Find Your Voice, Save Your Life. Check them out at the Books tab above.
Family is a big deal to me – and I gratefully share my life with an amazing man, two kick-ass daughters, their hubbies who are like my sons, and 3 of the most beautiful-souled grandkids that fill my heart every single day.
Kitchen dance parties are part of my fun because life is way too short to be held back from experiencing joy. Plus, dancing is super healing too! I also love walks in the woods, immersing in water, decorating for Halloween and Christmas, and doing whatever I need to keep myself on the path of pure self-love.
Are you ready to remember the person you want to be, showing up as you want to show up?
I’m ready when you are.
Because sometimes, it’s nice to have someone else to lean on. It’s nice to have someone else looking out for you and reminding you that you can do this. It’s nice to have someone “connected” (wink, wink). It’s nice to have someone else—period.
And it’s nice to have someone who has a complete model for finding and using your voice that has been built purely from my own and other’s experiences.
I’m living proof of how we can turn ourselves around. I took a bump in my marriage as a sign that I needed to do this voice work for myself. Not too shabby for a woman who at one time felt immobilized by circumstances and scared into inaction because I had always taken my direction from people and things outside of me instead of doing things my way. But when I finally made the conscious decision to choose me and my happiness, learn about who I really was and how to express that with compassion, everything began to fall into place.
I know this much — you’re unhappy and you’re craving change or you wouldn’t be reading this.
Know that this is the transformation you’ve been looking for. This is the self-love and the self-honour that we are meant to experience in this lifetime. This is you making conscious choices that serve you, and using your voice to feel what you want to feel.
Are you ready to do the work?
If you’re ready to take back your voice and be the person you know deep down you really are, let’s talk.
The Find Me page will take you to a form where you can connect with me.
Check out my Offerings below for the programs that can help you strengthen your resolve and resilience. You’ll find a range of commitment of both time and cost, all chock-full of find your voice goodness.
(1-1 Support is not available outside of my group programs)
A free Facebook group for women who want to learn and talk about voice.
Combine the fun of dancing with the healing of guided meditations and be lit up!
A deep dive into the self and Soul to begin living your highest and best life.
A paid membership group to support women with voice with a goal of growth and integrated learning.
Learn to write your own story and heal through the process

“reading your blogs has helped me in this deep cleanse I am moving through. I have been able to clearly visualize where I need help and what’s important to me”
“Without the Find Your Voice Healer training, I might never have allowed myself to push forward with my own signature energy healing modality, one that will include this mighty powerful piece to the puzzle of finding, living, and voicing one’s authentic energy blueprint.”
“I now have a deeper understanding of my connection to my soul and my self-worth.”
“You are the best coach!”
“You are so cool!!! You hit it bang on!!!!”