Dianna's Blog
Where you, me and your reality and your awareness, all meet for coffee.
That time when you decided to do something that you knew wouldn’t serve you well, then felt like shit in the morning
Hey diy Ass-kicker Anything ring a bell about this title? Is this a common headache for you? Do you struggle with continuing to make decisions that don’t serve you, even though you’re clear about what works for you and what doesn’t? ...
Suffering really is optional
Hey diy ass-kicker! Suffering from any experience, unlike wearing pants, is definitely optional. If you are chest deep in shit right now, you might want to argue with me. “But you don’t know what I’ve been through” ...
Stop wasting your time and energy on other people's shit!
Hey diy ass-kicker! I was out the other morning, having a leisurely breakies with my significant other. Breakies out is a regular happening for us. It’s a great way to start a day off with plenty of coffee, food and gab, without having to cook! We...
Summer break, anyone?
Hey diy ass-kicker! It’s summer time! Do you love it as much as I do? The heat, the sunshine, the life blood given to all things growing? Now, you all know that my coaching practice is one of healing. The women who come to me for healing...
Looking Inside
Hey diy ass-kicker! Truth. I am in recovery. Recovery from looking outside of myself for direction, validation and worth. For many years I was eyeballs deep in looking outside of myself. It wasn’t that I didn’t know what I wanted or...
So I stepped out for myself. Now what??
Hey diy ass-kicker! Yay you! You did it! You stood up and stepped up. For yourself. You said what you needed to say. You did what you needed to do. You behaved like the woman you want to be. The woman you really are. Because we are...
Sweet Spots and Peace…
Hey diy ass-kicker! Not sure where you hang your hat, but here in Canada, it’s our birthday. I’m in the midst of spending a great long weekend with my family. But I’m also slightly stressed about an upcoming move I’m making that...

WTF Is Balance?
I really hate those contests about women winning balanced life awards. To me, that shit is just one big set up. I mean really, don’t we have enough pressure to be perfect? Perfect daughters, perfect moms, perfect wives, all while being that perfect employee that...
What you need to know about body language
Hey diy Ass-kickers! We all know by now that we talk with our bodies. Like when our feelings are written all over our faces, or we cross our arms across our chests or sit back from people we really don’t want to engage with. Body messaging can even be gendered. My fav...
It’s time to start believing…
Hey diy ass-kicker! If you really believed in your right to live your life on your terms, wouldn’t you be doing that? If you really believed that you were worth putting up with some fear or some discomfort to get what you want, wouldn’t you...
Are you a “yes” girl? Tell the truth now!
Hey diy ass-kicker! I love saying yes, feeling the freedom of being a yes girl, and living in a world where yes is always possible. But unless we pay close attention to our what we say yes and no to, being a yes girl can trip us up. Do you say yes...
It’s Mama’s Day!!
Hey diy ass-kicker! Congrats Sweetie! It’s your day to be celebrated for all you do as a mom! And I’m guessing you’ve done plenty. I love Mother’s Day and the chance to express my appreciation and thanks to my own mom, and...
Keeping your needs front and center..
Hey diy ass-kicker! Remember the time that you really wanted to do, have, or be something so bad it would keep you awake at night? But for whatever reason, even though it seemed perfectly logical at the time, you did nothing about it. Even though your...
The ease of letting go…
Hey diy Ass-kickers! When was the last time you felt all tied up in knots over a situation in your life? Stressful situations and circumstances scream for a resolution, a fixing of the problem. And as women, there isn’t much we do better than...
How do you calm down your emotions when the shit hits the fan?
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Looking after the emotional side of me has made a huge difference in my life. I mean actually looking after myself by responding to how I feel from a place of self-understanding and power. Not simply taking on feelings without any...
The Choice or Habit Quiz!
Hey diy Ass-kickers Personally, I believe that we all need to kick our own asses. No matter what stage of life we are in, how happy or unhappy we are, what we have accomplished or what we haven’t, we all need to be clear about what our behaviours are and...
5 Ways to Make Yourself an Even Better Person..
Hey diy Ass-kickers As this life goes, I am clear on my commitment to two things. One, that I am a diy ass-kicker. I know that my happy existence is based on how I perceive and create my own experiences. The more I take responsibility, the better my life...
Play in the dark, yes. Grow in the dark, not a chance.
Hey diy Ass-kickers When you were a kid, did you play outside at night? Did your family go camping? Did you wind up heading to the outhouse in the middle of the night? Did you use a flashlight to get you there and back to the tent? My siblings and...
Is this you? How we fight with ourselves.
Hey diy Ass-kickers Women come to me for coaching when they can’t seem to make their lives the way they want them to be. It’s not that they don’t know what they want, or even how to get it. They just can’t seem to make it happen....
Note to Self: I Don’t Wanna Be a Money Ahole Any Longer
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Do you struggle with managing your money? I’m not asking if you have enough money. Most people would likely give an automatic no to that question, as they think of that a trip to Spain they can’t take, or that new bedroom...
A Note to My Sisters
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Today is International Women’s Day, and even though I don’t celebrate it with the visible energy I once did, it’s a day that presents itself as our chance to check in with what is happening in our lives just because we are women. It’s a chance to...
The war between the heart and the head…
Hey diy Ass-kickers When my heart and my head are fighting - and they do regularly - I can get completely overwhelmed. I know ____ is right in my head, my sensible head that I can confidently say is smart, savvy and knows it’s stuff. But I...
10 reasons why we take one for the team…
Hey diy Ass-kicker, For your reading pleasure…10 reasons why we take one for the team: Because we don’t want to make our accomplishments obvious in case we make someone else feel bad Because somewhere in our growing up, we were left with the...
Knowing your feelings, as well as, you know your vagina.
Hey diy Ass-kicker, I have a favor to ask of you. And no, it has nothing to do with your vagina. Bet you were worried there for a second, huh? I want you to start writing. Grab yourself a journal, a spiral binder, loose leaf...
3 ways to get your inner tank filled!
Hey diy Ass-kicker, “It’s quite valuable to have the courage and the confidence to say, ’No, fuck off, leave me alone, thank you very much.” -Helen Mirren In light of the above, I give you 3 easy ways to get your inner tank...
When did you start hiding?
Hey, diy Ass-kicker! It’s a simple question really. When did you start hiding? Exactly when in your life do you first remember holding back, denying your needs and/wants, stifling your creativity, your ability, your inner or outer beauty, or...
This Trips Me Up Every Single Time…
Hey diy Ass-kickers There is one big thing that I know well about myself. I’m a lover, not a fighter. To me, relationships are just as important as the end result of a project, a process, or a life. In my world, relationships top my list of values...
Life lessons in wine and coffee???
Hey diy Ass-kickers! I have this space in my kitchen. It’s a wine/coffee bar. A place to make your morning coffee and pour your afternoon wine. Ok, your evening wine if that works better for you! I adore that space. It’s not only funky...
When you’re looking at the New Year like it’s another place to fail.
Where the heck did 2017 go? It feels like just yesterday that we were welcoming it, now we’re wrapping it up. Holy shit! 2017 for me was a year full of change, learning and transition. Not that they all haven’t been that, in their own way, but this year...
My holiday wish you for…
Hey diy Ass-kicker, It’s finally here, lovely. Christmas. And whether you celebrate this day or you have another celebration that is meaningful to you, here is my wish for you. I wish for you to know how magnificent you are. How pure. How full of love. How...
When your holiday perfectionist is making you behave in an un-holiday manner
Hey diy Ass-kicker Christmas is officially close, scarily close when you’re a last minute girl like me. This is the time that I start to sweat. Will I get it all done? Will I be ready? Where the hell is that list? Any of that sound familiar? Thankfully I learned some...
When the holiday food or drink is screaming for you!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Back with another big holiday challenge, this one is sooo easy to slip into if we let the season kick our asses rather than the other way around. If you are anything like me, you’ve had holidays where that cookie jar full of gingerbread yummies or...
When it’s the holidays and you’re dreading spending time with Aunt Margaret…
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Soooo….How are you making out with the hot tips to get you prepared for your holiday season? Whether you’re going to do them all or not, my intention is to give you something to think about that starts with you, lovey! I just...
Don’t wait ‘til you’re knee deep in tinsel to set your holiday straight!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! It’s November. You know what that means, right? The holidays are right around the corner! Us Canadians celebrated our Thanksgiving in October, have just gotten past Halloween and that puts us square in the path of...
Do you suffer from this serious and debilitating syndrome?
Is your life so good that you’re well-versed in the happy dance, or do you suffer from the “keep everybody happy” syndrome? Hey diy Ass-kickers! Well are you? Well-versed in the happy dance that is. I sincerely hope you are. I hope your life rocks...
I'm grateful for you!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. Just saying that brings pictures to my mind about warm family gatherings, plenty of good food, and giving thanks for all we have present in our lives. My favourite part of Thanksgiving dinner is when...
Grab some diy joy!!
Hey diy Ass-kicker! How do you get yourself to the point of feeling joy and contentment in your life? I don't mean the joy the comes from having the things that you think will make you feel good about yourself, like money, a hot lover, a kick-ass career, or a...
Sweating relationships is never small stuff.
If you're sweating relationships so much that you have trouble thinking about anything else, there is something very wrong! Because sweating relationships is not positive, joy-creating, or life-affirming. And as much as you might want to argue this point, it’s also...
Guys, periods, and advice…
Hey diy Ass-Kickers! I took a little vaca from the blog the past couple of weeks to let myself be totally focused on other things in my life. Sometimes stuff creeps up on us that simply demands our attention, and it takes time to work their reality into...
Did you not get what you expected either?
Happy Sunday ya’ll! I’ve missed you, but have been taking some “me” time to vaca with my family. The whole fam-damily under one roof for a whole week on a beach… Awesome! One of the highlights was making and eating cake by the...
The difference between accepting and fighting back.
Hey diy Ass-Kickers! There is a big difference, you know. A big difference between accepting what’s in front of us, breathing through it, and letting go of the parts that you really, REALLY, want to hang on to and, standing your ground, saying...
Are you as nice as you want to be?
Hey diy Ass-Kickers! This is Canada Day weekend, our 150th birthday bash! I hope you are celebrating our great nation all weekend long. One of the themes this year is about Canadians being nice. I love that. Because we are nice people and given how our world...
No matter what your dad was like…
Hey diy Ass-kicker! Today is Father’s Day. This day becomes even more special to me each year that I still have my Dad. He is 91 years old. Every year he is still on this earth with us is a blessing that I am very grateful for. I hope your feelings for...
Who’s got your back?
Hey diy Ass-kicker! Since relationships are a primary source of pleasure and pain in our lives, many of us spend tons of time thinking about the people around us, specifically if they have or don't have our backs. So who might that be to you? Who do you think...
The Beatles got it wrong. YOU say goodbye and YOU say hello.
Hey diy Ass-kicker! I recently read a line from a colleague that said “Funerals happen every day when you’re expanding”. Love that. And it’s so true. You don’t get to say hello to the new without saying buh bye to the old. See, there is only so much room in those...
The art of kicking your own ass!
Hey diy Ass-kicker! You wouldn’t believe the number of messages I get from women who say things like “Wow, so glad I found you! An ass-kicking is exactly what I need! Will you help me?" It's common to respond that way when we think we don't...
What would you be doing today if you thought you could?
Hey diy Ass-kicker! What would you be doing today if you thought you could? We draw the line in the sand everyday, not about what we want or don't want to do, but what we think we can't do. And what we think we can't do is a story made up of a...
Selfish? That's fantastic! And, Happy Mom's Day!
Hey diy Ass-kicker! How many times over your adult life have you decided that you would not do something because that would make you selfish? Or decided that you had better do something because not doing it would make you selfish? Probably many times. We women are...
An easy way to put yourself first
Hey diy Ass-kickers A little pondering for a Sunday morning... Have you ever thought about all the things that make you smile, make your heart warm, bring you joy and make you feel content? In the age of connecting to gratitude, I'll bet you have. Hell, maybe you've...

Don’t let anyone ‘eff with your shine!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! The other day someone left a comment on my CML Facebook biz page about a post. That post happened (oh my gosh!) to have used the f-word, not once but TWICE. (Second oh my gosh!) I believe the actual text in the post said “Unfuck yourself. Be who...
Are you even just a little bit curious?
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Hope you enjoyed the Confidence Series the past few weeks. Confidence really is no big deal. Especially when we learn a few tricks of the trade. Oh, and decide that we’ve got all the power we need to let our confident selves fly. We are strong...
What gets in the way of working your confidence
The Confidence Builder Series- What gets in the way of working your confidence Hey DIY Ass-Kickers! So now you have a different way of looking at your confidence, and you know what values you would stand up for. So lets take a look at what else can throw working our...
Our internal confidence toolbox
The Confidence Builder Series- Our internal confidence toolbox Hey DIY Ass-kickers How did you make out last week? Did you take the challenge? Kick some out-dated confidence beliefs to the curb? Or did you decide that you didn’t have confidence after all??? That was a...
Confidence Series- Our belief about our confidence is how much we think we have!
Our belief about our confidence is how much we think we have Hey DIY Ass-kickers! Interesting stuff from last week! Thanks to all of you who took the time to send back your answers to the confidence questions from last week! That means you’re thinking about confidence...
The Confidence Builder Series- What's your confidence look like?
The Confidence Builder Series- What's your confidence look like? Hey DIY Ass-kickers! As a Confidence Coach, I can honestly say that confidence is an issue for every single woman I have ever met, and probably every man. Varying degrees perhaps but confidence is a...
How to manage your emotional shit-kicking
How to manage your emotional shit-kicking Hey diy Ass-kicker! Everyone has had an emotional shit-kicking at some point in their lives…divorce, loss of a job or status, loss of people you love. Sometimes several in one lifetime. Shit-kickings are going to hit us...
Random thoughts on this International Women's Day
Random thoughts on this International Women's Day Hey diy Ass-kicker! Today is International Women’s Day. I’ve been thinking about what’s important to me today, and I want to share it with you, so here are some of my thoughts… I don’t care about women being in power....
Are you willing to do the work?
Are you willing to do the work? Hey diy Ass-kicker! I’m kinda curious about you. When you decide you want something really badly, do you get tough with yourself and set things up so you can get it, achieve your goal or grab your brass ring? Then what happens? Do you...
Letting go = joy
Hey diy Ass-kicker! Man, there’s a lot to let go of in this life. Letting go is about carrying something with you that is simply not joyous. Things that get, and stay under your skin. And those things don't need to be earth shattering to anyone but you. Any of these...
Getting through Valentines Day and beyond!
I love Valentines day. But I know there are so many women who dread it. I love it because it’s one huge reminder that love is something that should be cherished, enjoyed, and celebrated. If you are a woman who is single by chance or by choice, by now the overwhelm of...
Sick again? Try this.
Sick again? Try this. Hey Diy Ass-kicker! How is the first part of 2017 rolling out for you? Mine has been super busy with coaching, grand babies, extended family needs, and lovely quality time with my hubby. Unfortunately, it’s also been filled with minor illnesses...
Here's how you can look like you!
Here's how you can look like you! Hey Diy Ass-Kickers! We’ve all got a story. Sometimes it is tell-worthy in our minds, sometimes we keep it secretly tucked away from the light so no one finds out about it. I’ve told mine in snippets. When I’m feeling ready. When I’ve...
Grey rocks!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Last weekend, I had a booth at a local Women’s Show. I love doing shows like that. I love just yakking with women and letting them experience how valuable coaching is to figuring out your shit and what to do about it. My theme at this show was “I...
Don't Let Your Self-Worth Run The Show
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Like you, there are certain things that capture a ton of my attention. One of those things is thinking about women and their self-worth. I think about the roots of self-worth, how, when and where we get started with beliefs that don’t serve us,...
You are your own change
You are your own change Well Happy New Year diy Ass-kickers! So I know that by now you have clearly decided what it is that you want to get busy on for 2017, right? That’s what I thought. I can feel the excitement that comes with thinking about how amazing those...
Set yourself some heartfelt goals!
Set yourself some heartfelt goals! Hey diy Ass-Kickers! Every year about now, I take time to look at what the new year has to offer me. The opportunities, the potential, the awareness and the growth that are all open to me. The chance to feel the way I want to feel....
This is real life
This is real life There is plenty of strategic communication advice on Google. I believe that the best communication comes from the heart and the deep core, a simple but effective principle that has worked for me. And while I don’t always get it right, here is what I...
Aligning With Your Deep Core
Aligning With Your Deep Core Hey diy Ass-kickers So spill it…how are you feeling this week? It’s not quite been 2 weeks since the results of the US Presidential election came down the pipe. Honestly, I’ve never seen such a strong reaction to either an election race...
On being good enough…
On being good enough... Being good enough. It’s that thing that we like to avoid thinking about, yet can feel so deeply. It’s that thing that impacts, dare I say, all of us, at one time or another. It’s that thing that holds us back from living full out. Think about...
Has Your Healing Practice Gone to Shit?
Has Your Healing Practice Gone to Shit? Hey diy Ass-kickers! We need to be perfectly honest here ladies, we all want to feel our best and most of us know what we need to do to get there, but there are so many things that interfere with our healing practice. And...
Tired of Self-Doubt?
Tired of Self-Doubt? Hey there diy ass-kickers! If I had a magic wand that I could wave over all the women in my life who are riddled with self-doubt, I would. I wouldn’t need the beautiful gown, the glass slippers and the up-do that comes with the wand. I would just...
My Days on the Couch
My Days on the Couch Hey diy Ass-kickers! Happy Sunday! Several years ago, there was a time when my couch was my comfort zone. There I was, curled up with a blanket, the remote, and a glass of wine, convinced that my spot on the couch was only place that I was...
For F's Sake, Pay Attention to Me!
For F's Sake, Pay Attention to Me Hey diy Ass-kickers! As you probably already know, I have 2 grown daughters with daughters of their own. When they were growing up, I remember having to figure out in the moment, how to be in the moment with each of them. And I admit...
Your Past Does Matter
Your Past Does Matter Hey diy Ass-kickers! So by now, you probably know the difference between coaching and therapy, right? Much of that difference has to do with dealing with your past as opposed to your future. I’m of the mind that you don’t need to understand all...
Would you win the extra mile award?
Would you win the extra mile award? Hey diy Ass-kickers! I heard on the radio the other day about nominating people for an award when they have gone the extra mile for you. I think that’s awesome. People should be recognized and acknowledged for their kindness,...
What Are You Telling People?
What Are You Telling People? Hey diy Ass-kickers! Ok, spit it out. You're telling people things. Personal things. Intimate things. Things that people will use to "peg" you every single day. Sadly, people will often do that. They will take a look at you and quickly...
Don't Make an Enemy Out of Her
Don't Make an Enemy Out of Her Hey diy Ass-kickers! Now I'm normally a very patient woman. I'm good at listening to explanations about why things go wrong. I'm good at accepting apologies and apologizing if I feel I have inappropriately crossed someone's boundaries. I...
Word NO
Word NO Hey diy Ass-kickers! I gotta story to tell you. I have recently taken up swimming and I love, love, love it. I swam a lot as a kid but was feeling the need to up my technique some so I could model safe swimming for my grand babies, or should I call them water...
Stalled By Your Own Story
Stalled By Your Own Story Hey diy Ass-kickers! Today I’m responding to a question from a listener. That question is “How does one get un-stalled”. This listener says she isn’t moving forward anymore. She’s recently retired but wants tons more than the routine of a...
How addicted are you really?
How addicted are you really? Hey diy Ass-Kickers! When I was putting this post together, all I could think of was the lyrics to that old Robert Palmer song… “Might as well face it, you’re addicted to love”. And no, this not a post about sex addiction. It’s about...
Your Life is Your Bitch
Your Life is Your Bitch Hey diy Ass-Kickers! When was the last time you were hit with an emotional smack down? It’s when something happens that creates a conflict for you. An argument or disagreement. A word expressed that should have been kept silent. An action that...
Your Kicking Your Own Ass (KOYA) Playlist!!
Your Kicking Your Own Ass (KOYA) Playlist!! Thought you might want to rock it out with me some, ladies! Music is one powerful way to change your perspective on a dime. Listening and dancing to music are both tools in my toolbox for experiencing and creating the life I...
Can We Please Just Stop Saying This Shit?
Can We Please Just Stop Saying This Shit? Hey diy Ass-kickers! Dianna here. Have you noticed that we sometimes say untruthful shit outloud. Shit that has us shrinking into a powerless version of ourselves. Shit that comes from our fear of offending someone, or of...
My Thoughts As I Watched Death Arrive
My Thoughts As I Watched Death Arrive This post might be a little graphic for some of you. But it’s been on my mind and I just have to say it. I recently watched my mother-in-law take her last breath. She had been ill for a few months. Fewer than she was letting on...
Check-In Time
Check-In Time Hey diy Ass-kickers! It’s time for a check in, girls! Does your life feel meaningful and self-directed right now? If you said yes, yay for you! You are kicking your own ass by directing your energy within before determining where you want to put it...
Where there is pain…
Hey diy Ass-kickers! We all feel pain at some point in our lives. Maybe it’s loss, maybe it’s feeling like we’re not enough, maybe it’s knowing something is very wrong with your life, but not knowing what it is or having the courage to do anything about it. Whatever...
Love the hell out of your muffin top!
Love the hell out of your muffin top! Hey diy Ass-Kickers I’ll admit it right here in front of all you lovely ladies who are kind enough to listen to me every week. I’ve got a muffin top. I do. Some days it’s bigger than others but it’s been hanging around for a few...
How I got away with hiding
How I got away with hiding Hey diy Ass-kickers! I used to hide all the time. We’re not talking kid stuff here, I hid as a full grown adult woman. And contrary to what you might be thinking, I didn’t hide because my life was shitty. Hiding was never about what I had,...
Be your own Lady Boss
Be your own Lady Boss Hey diy Ass-kickers! Recently I had a sleepover at my home for my 4 sisters, well 3 actual sisters and 1 sister-in-law who feels like my sister. We hadn’t gotten together like that for a really long time, years I think. And I gotta tell you, I...
F*ck Off is a complete sentence
F*ck Off is a complete sentence. Hey diy Ass-kickers! I love that we have a deep core! Our deep core that tells us what we need and what we want. And it lets us know what’s working for us and what isn’t. And you know the best part of using your deep core? It’s that...
Start your day with some lovin’!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Question. How do you spend your first waking moments? Assuming that you’re not waking up to ACDC on your clock radio in the morning, your first waking moments are amazingly precious. It’s when you’re not quite awake but you’re not sleeping...
That new thing ain’t gonna cut it
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Thanks for hanging with me today! So there I was the other night, sitting around watching some tv and just about fell off my chair when a commercial made the claim that ”a new bathtub will change your life". I know we hear smack all the time on tv...
Why Your diy Ass-Kicking Isn’t Working
Hello there diy Ass-kickers, Thanks for hanging out with me today! You may be thinking that the title of this blog is a little odd, odd coming from me anyway. I’m always telling you guys that kicking your own ass works, really well actually. In...
When Sh*t Happens, Manage It
Ever had shit happen in your life that was out of your control? Here’s one of my experiences and how I handled it. Over the past month or so, I’ve had 3 or 4 bouts of bad news given to me. News that left me feeling like crap. I won’t get into all the deets but the...
Put this on your to-do list!
Hey diy Ass-kickers! It’s time to be blunt. Sorry, but there are no magic wands to wave over your life to make things feel the way you want them to. I get it. You’re waiting for someone to tell you how to do it. How to fix things. How to do those things that will make...
This is how I am spending my Mother’s Day
Hey diy Ass-kickers! It’s Mom’s Day and I’m spending some time with my daughters and their babies who, quite simply, rock my world. How are you feeling about Mother’s Day? Do you approach the day with expectations...
Self Help Can Suck
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Are you on a self-help hamster wheel? What a weird saying that is! Can you actually picture yourself right now on a hamster wheel? Funny as it seems, we’ve all been there. And here’s how our thoughts go while we’re...
Who Really Needs Forgiveness?
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Happy you’re here! If you’re like me and most of the world, at some point in your life, you’ve felt wronged by someone. Probably more than once. We’ve all been there, it’s part of the human experience. Let me ask you this. Just how long...
Staying sane in "those" relationships
What if you decided that all you need to do is love others? And If you practiced that simple love without letting anything block it... How would you behave with them? What would be different for you? Most importantly, what would you be thinking about yourself and...