Random thoughts on this International Women’s Day

Hey diy Ass-kicker!
Today is International Women’s Day. I’ve been thinking about what’s important to me today, and I want to share it with you, so here are some of my thoughts…
I don’t care about women being in power.
But I do care about women being powerful.
I don’t care if women become 7 figure-earners.
But I do care about women being able to earn a fair living wage.
I don’t care about women being model thin.
But I do care about women accepting themselves as they are, even if their looks and size change.
I don’t care if women love other women, or if they gender identify as men.
But I do care that women are not shamed for their choices.
I don’t care if women speak up or stay silent.
But I do care that women know that they have the strength to speak up whenever the choose to.
I don’t care about how women dress.
But I do care that women are accepted for more than their tits or asses.
I don’t care if women in our communities are of a different color, race or faith.
But I do care that those women know that they are welcome as human beings, and are treated as such.
I don’t care if women attend marches, rallys or protests.
But I do care that women recognize that we are a force to be reckoned with. That we still have a long way to go to reach equality. That we are all sisters and as such, we are stronger when we stand together. 
As a feminist, I believe in equality. And I want to stand with other women who believe in equality too. I want women to have the freedom that comes with equality.
So what’s important to you when you think about equality, or this day? 
Whatever it is, it’s time to bring our messages home. Home to where our families see and learn from us. Home to where our communities see and learn from us. Home to where our country sees and learns from us. 
I’m standing with the Toronto IWD March’s theme…
I’m bringing it home. 
And to all my sisters…
Happy International Women’s Day!

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