Hey diy Ass-kickers!
Hope you enjoyed the Confidence Series the past few weeks. Confidence really is no big deal. Especially when we learn a few tricks of the trade. Oh, and decide that we’ve got all the power we need to let our confident selves fly. We are strong bitches! (Said with love, of course!)
Part of why I gave you that series was a little self-serving. I had a schedule that was getting crazy and I needed to bulk up on posts ahead of time so I could focus on the other parts of my life that were coming up fast.
Like getting to know my brand new grandson, Landon! This is number three for me, and the first boy. I have to say that thinking about having a boy in the family has had me pondering of all kinds of gender issues, but that’s for another post. Right now, that little guy is happy, healthy, content, and brings me incredible joy. It will never cease to amaze me how these little ones touch my heart in a special place that seems to be reserved just for them, and I am so grateful for that. Yep, the tears flow freely when I’m with them!
Then there was an awesome girl’s trip to Mexico. Seven women, only 2 of whom I knew ahead of time, and all amazingly thoughtful, interesting, and totally fun! Gorgeous villa, amazingly awesome food and drink, I’m not going to Mexico without enjoying a marguerita or two! And talk about self-care, it was prime time for that baby. Rest time whenever the mood struck, running without a parka on and swimming without absorbing chlorine, a bit of a dabble in my version of photography, and fantastic deep and not-so-deep conversations. The common element was that I only had myself to think about, and it felt completely rejuvenating.
And now its renovation time in a new condo, or should I say an old condo that will look new when it’s finished. This work is life-blood for me, being able to use my design skills and make our new place pop. It’s calling for total organization, not just for myself but for the project as a whole and all those moving parts and people within in. I can’t wait to get in there and start ripping down walls!
My point in sharing all of this is to say that life sometimes gives us turns that we can’t always plan for, and I’m not talking about the surprises that you haven’t scheduled for.
I’m talking about the feelings that come from things that we know are happening. Those feelings bring along sensations in our bodies, our hearts and our souls that, if we take the time to stop and experience them, can be big fat reminders of what we want out of this very short life of ours.
None of what has kept me busy this spring was a complete surprise of course, but paying attention to my schedule and making the time to be open to my feelings, has made my experiences so much better!
Every single thing that we experience offers us another opportunity to get to know ourselves better, and to understand our destiny. I believe that there is nothing on our plate that we don’t need to have happen to teach us something, even if it is just knowing what we don’t want, or connecting to our inner strength when it’s being called on.
Pushing through our to-do lists and responding to every demand that is made of us (as many of us tend to do) ignores that wonderful being inside of us that knows exactly what we want and need and how to get it in a way that works for us. Not the rest of the world, just us.
By paying attention, I was reminded of the joy that lives in relationships that aren’t rushed or feel pressured. I was reminded of the deep need for me to bring back Fucking Fantastic Fridays, as days for just me. And I was reminded that the creativity that lives in my soul is meant to be expressed and shared.
Because every life gets crazy, some crazier than others. And that crazy screams to be heard and recognized for what it wants you to know.
My response? I hear ya, girl!
What are you curious enough about to listen to?