I’ve spent a good part of my 57 years saying yes. I used to identify myself as my father’s daughter, my husband’s wife, my children’s mother and my bosses go-to. Now I want to be known as me, the person who has needs, wants, and deep wishes. I remember speaking up once and was so shocked that it caused such a rukus in my family, I simply crawled back into my shell. I know I’ve adopted habits that are not always true to me, but now I crave to be heard, really heard.” 

This is from a very brave woman I have the honour of working with.

If you met her, you wouldn’t know that she was voice quieted. She is incredibly competent, confident, and accomplished in her life. Her light is very bright and her love is unconditional.

Being voiceless doesn’t mean we are less-than. It simply means that we are choosing more. And sometimes the need for more shows up when it’s our time to ask for it.

She has worked hard at experiencing that more. She’s questioned her past habits and asked if they serve her. She’s become aware of her in-the-moment thinking so she can maintain her natural vibration. She has shifted her behaviours, so she can better align with her true self. And she has created practices for herself that help her maintain her own momentum, self-reliance, and resilience, spritually and practically.

My heart breaks for women who can’t express themselves with honesty and clarity in their own lives. It’s tough to witness women who are unable to offer themselves that “more”, and everything other little or big thing they want. And it tough to watch when they bury their own needs to feel a little sense of worthy.

This woman is done with all that. She put 2 hands up in front of her, one that says “fuck” and the other that says “no”. Her goal is to align with her soul, and she’s getting it done.

This isn’t a quick fix, this woman has and continues to work hard for what she wants, but she’s walking into it with the clarity that she would rather follow the lead of her own soul than that of someone else’s human sauce.

We celebrated her this past week. She, as the rock star she is, was able to have one of those difficult conversations and walked away with her head held high. Was she afraid? Ya. Did she honour herself anyway? She sure did.

Do you see any of yourself in her words?

Sometimes brave is simply showing up with the loving intention to be more aligned with yourself than you were the day before.

Stand By Me is still open for registration. We will wrap our arms around you and honour your truth all the way to whatever it is you call your soul’s home.


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