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Gila is a Spiritual Heart Guide. From a young age, she dedicated her life to sharing her light through her poetry, books, videos, and conscious collaboration.

Gila channels her words from Source to heal and guide you to open up your creative gifts to transform your life and raise human consciousness. Her mentoring focuses on trusting your internal GPS, intuition, body, and heart. Her guidance helps you increase awareness of your own divine body and heal traumatic wounds through writing, movement, meditation, breathwork, and self-affirmations.

The types of trauma that Gila can help you heal from are PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, related to grief, and chronic trauma such as bullying, domestic violence, child abuse and sexual abuse.

Gila’s authentic inner heart-healing empowers you to live a divinely creative and sensually blissful life.

In this episode, you’ll hear:
-how Gila’s mother instinct kept her from continuing harmful habits
-that getting our desires met is putting joy into our lives
-about how orgasmic manifestation is about our pure creation

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