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James Kawainui is a Native Hawaiian Healer and specializes in chronic pain, and trauma release. Through his Hawaiian ancestral connection James is a trusted guide and mentor who is able to read and clear blockages from your energy flow, whether they are due to trauma from this lifetime or passed down through the generations. You will experience freedom, renewed hope and a deeper connection with body and soul beyond what you imagine is possible.

As a child, James overcame a rare and life-threatening form of polio with the love and healing touch of his grandmother. His compassion and understanding come from a deeply personal level and he has devoted his life to helping you live a positive, productive, and pain free life.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • about James’ gladiator mentality theory about men
  • that finally listening to his first claireaudient experience made him quit his corporate job
  • how James brings insight from 20 generations of his lineage into healing for people

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