by Dianna | Mar 19, 2017 | Advice, Coaching, Fear, Podcast, Self-love
The Confidence Builder Series- What’s your confidence look like? Hey DIY Ass-kickers! As a Confidence Coach, I can honestly say that confidence is an issue for every single woman I have ever met, and probably every man. Varying degrees perhaps but confidence is...
by Dianna | Mar 8, 2017 | Advice
Random thoughts on this International Women’s Day Hey diy Ass-kicker! Today is International Women’s Day. I’ve been thinking about what’s important to me today, and I want to share it with you, so here are some of my thoughts… I don’t care about women being in...
by Dianna | Mar 5, 2017 | Advice, Fear, Podcast, Relationships, Self-love
Are you willing to do the work? Hey diy Ass-kicker! I’m kinda curious about you. When you decide you want something really badly, do you get tough with yourself and set things up so you can get it, achieve your goal or grab your brass ring? Then what happens? Do you...
by Dianna | Feb 14, 2017 | Advice, Fear, Relationships, Self-love
I love Valentines day. But I know there are so many women who dread it. I love it because it’s one huge reminder that love is something that should be cherished, enjoyed, and celebrated. If you are a woman who is single by chance or by choice, by now the overwhelm of...
by Dianna | Feb 12, 2017 | Advice, Podcast, Self-love
Sick again? Try this. Hey Diy Ass-kicker! How is the first part of 2017 rolling out for you? Mine has been super busy with coaching, grand babies, extended family needs, and lovely quality time with my hubby. Unfortunately, it’s also been filled with minor illnesses...
by Dianna | Jan 29, 2017 | Advice, Coaching, Fear, Podcast, Self-love
Hey diy Ass-kickers! Last weekend, I had a booth at a local Women’s Show. I love doing shows like that. I love just yakking with women and letting them experience how valuable coaching is to figuring out your shit and what to do about it. My theme at this show was “I...