Set yourself some heartfelt goals!

Set yourself some heartfelt goals!

Set yourself some heartfelt goals! Hey diy Ass-Kickers! Every year about now, I take time to look at what the new year has to offer me. The opportunities, the potential, the awareness and the growth that are all open to me. The chance to feel the way I want to feel....
Set yourself some heartfelt goals!

This is real life

This is real life There is plenty of strategic communication advice on Google. I believe that the best communication comes from the heart and the deep core, a simple but effective principle that has worked for me. And while I don’t always get it right, here is what I...
Set yourself some heartfelt goals!

On being good enough…

On being good enough… Being good enough. It’s that thing that we like to avoid thinking about, yet can feel so deeply. It’s that thing that impacts, dare I say, all of us, at one time or another. It’s that thing that holds us back from living full out. Think...
Set yourself some heartfelt goals!

Has Your Healing Practice Gone to Shit?

  Has Your Healing Practice Gone to Shit? Hey diy Ass-kickers! We need to be perfectly honest here ladies, we all want to feel our best and most of us know what we need to do to get there, but there are so many things that interfere with our healing practice. And...
Set yourself some heartfelt goals!

Tired of Self-Doubt?

Tired of Self-Doubt? Hey there diy ass-kickers! If I had a magic wand that I could wave over all the women in my life who are riddled with self-doubt, I would. I wouldn’t need the beautiful gown, the glass slippers and the up-do that comes with the wand. I would just...
Set yourself some heartfelt goals!

For F's Sake, Pay Attention to Me!

For F’s Sake, Pay Attention to Me Hey diy Ass-kickers! As you probably already know, I have 2 grown daughters with daughters of their own. When they were growing up, I remember having to figure out in the moment, how to be in the moment with each of them. And I...