3 Ways to Rock Your Fall

Looks like summer is starting to wrap up again. It’s a weird time of the year for me. I hate seeing the beautiful weather leave, especially when it’s been such an amazing summer! But, I also love the fall. Truth be told, it’s my favorite season....
Got a bear that needs poking?

Got a bear that needs poking?

I recently read an article that talked about the need to have a vision, or something extraordinary to shoot for. In my mind, I think that’s the truth. Having something to look at,  in front of wherever you are in life, something totally inspiring and motivating,...
Got a bear that needs poking?

Surviving 34 years of marriage

I recently celebrated 34 years married to the same guy. I know! Holy shit, huh? It actually looks much longer written down then it feels in reality! I was 22 when we met, and I can honestly say that didn’t know squat about myself, my needs, or what I wanted from life....

Living on Autopilot Sucks

Most of us live on autopilot. A lot. Doing things we really don’t want to do because we think we should. Saying things that we don’t entirely agree with just to keep the peace. Taking our direction solely from what’s happening around us. Autopilot. No thinking,...

There's mad, then there's MAD!

Everybody gets mad sometimes. There have been times when I’ve been so mad that I felt like my head was going to explode. Bummer for the people on the other end of that! Anger has been automatically categorized as negative and inappropriate, but I want to give...