Self worth. What does that mean to you?

To me it’s about our inner value.

Notice I said inner value, not outer. Self worth is not about what you look like, how much money you make, what your job is, or where you travel.

And it’s not about doing things you think will make you more valued by people around you. People will treat you any way they decide to, that’s on them. No one can value you but you.

Being worthy is an inside job. You can’t earn it. But you can find it in yourself.

Take a look in your deep core and create a map of who you really are. What do you value? What do you stand for? What’s important to you? Who is the woman you know deep down that you really are? Put yourself on paper, show yourself.

Pay super close attention to your inner mean girl. What is she telling you and how do you manage her? She’s so great at finding your flaws and leaving you feel crappy about yourself. Start to notice what she says to you and remind yourself that you are a woman of value and worth no matter what. Your inner mean girl doesn’t need to rule you. Once you notice her yapping at you and why, thank her for her input and show her the door.

How are you “being” the woman you know you are? How are you doing in the areas of your life that are important to you? Give yourself room to improve any of those things on your terms and only on your terms. Working on things that are important to us that are not connected to other people, but that make us stronger women and the best version of ourselves, keeps us moving forward in a positive way.

Forgive your mistakes and the times when you didn’t quite live up to the woman you know you are. You know we all make mistakes, we’re human after all. And you’ve heard me say before that screw ups are how we learn what we are made of and where we want to up our game. Think back on the mistakes you have made in the past, and what you changed for yourself as a result. Be proud of yourself for that. Carrying around shitty feelings from a past mistake only makes going forward more difficult. Take those weighty times in your past and put them in a virtual box so you can get on with being the amazing woman you really are.

Create a worthy statement. Make it anything that motivates you and connects you back to your own worth. Use it when things get rough on the outside so you are reminded of what is on the inside. My fav? “I am worthy of having all I need.”

Recognizing your self worth means that your thoughts change, your language changes, and your actions change to match what you see. You know that no matter what, you are a good woman who deserves to be treated with respect.

Because you, lovely, are bigger than anything you could ever perceive as a flaw.

You are needed. You are loveable. You are worthy.



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