IT’S HERE! Writing for the Heal of it is officially open for Early Bird registration!!

Write, release, coach, and heal. Go as deep as you care to within a group of women there for the same reasons. Coaching, writing prompts more healing.

Express who you are on paper. You know that’s a great way to strengthen your voice, right?

Writing for the Heal of it

Can’t wait to see you there!

When did you make your last mistake?

Be honest here, because we all make mistakes. It’s really not a big deal, the big deal is what we do with them.

As much as I’m for the most part aware of my responses and behaviours, and know what I need from certain situations, I still get tripped up sometimes. In the past I would have been brutal with myself, blaming myself for every woe in the world because I did something or said something I perhaps shouldn’t have. The hardest part was thinking that I may have unintentionally hurt or disrespected someone else.

But what I’ve learned it that there are no mistakes with what we do or how we do it. It’s all shit we need to understand and learn to manage through re-aligning to what we need, want, and desire as our best selves. The more we mess up, the more opportunities to figure out how we want to show up in the world.

Compassion is how we get there.

“I feel for you, I love you.”

Can you close your eyes and imagine speaking to yourself in such loving terms? Holding space for yourself to allow for deep acceptance of you? Peeling away the self-judgment that goes hand in hand with making mistakes and being able to see clearly how your heart would want you to respond to a similar situation going forward?

“I feel for you, I love you.”

I’m guessing that you made many of the same mistakes that I have in the past and are tired of hunting your self-love down and sometimes still feeling blocked from accessing it.

Don’t stop, it’s there waiting for you.

“I feel for you, I love you.”

Start here, stay here, live here.

It really does get easier.

To messing up, loving ourselves, and learning.

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