Allow me to share myself with you.

I fail myself on the regular. I don’t always follow my own understanding of myself, I don’t always take care of myself, and I don’t always do what I intend to do.

I’m human, and life can be challenging. And sometimes I get tripped up.

Here are some of the times that I fail myself. Let it be known that after (how many?) years, that these are minor in comparison to even a decade ago. Thank you, Universe, for strengthening my resilience and resolve, and making the hits softer. 🙂

  1. When I’m physically and mentally tired, my body screams for chocolate, sugar, or red wine. They all will bring my physical energy back, but not without paying the price of loosing anywhere from 2-4 hours of sleep that night. Kind of messes me up for days.
  2. When I am too much in a to-do mode over being in flow with what my energetic body requires, I get cranky. I don’t want to chat, and I often don’t even want to be in the same room as anyone else. Not a good time to go shopping or visiting friends!
  3. I still react to the needs of others and want to jump to their rescue without remembering that I don’t need to, nor should I, rescue anyone. We all have our own paths and our own lessons, right?

I’ve had to learn to pay close attention to my body and subsequent feelings, and not simply jump at what I once thought was a reasonable answer to whatever was going on for me.

That means making sure that my food or drink intake is nourishing instead of depleting.

That means giving myself time and space to be alone, to notice my own energy with compassion, and allow whatever is there to move through me, rather than be cranky when I’m definitely not a cranky person.

That means stopping before I jump into anything, and making sure that my love for others doesn’t cross any boundaries, including the ones that I have set for myself.

And the most important part of sharing all this with you, besides that we all fail sometimes at doing what we want to do?

We’re not failing at all. We’re learning and growing each time. We’re solidifying and bringing more clarity to the passion we feel for being the humans we want to be, for both ourselves and for others.

My challenges aren’t going anywhere, and that’s ok, because they teach me good, supportive things about myself. But the pull of them is decreasing as I stick to my personal practice of honouring myself. My guess is that as you read this blog that you have considered where you are challenged too.

It’s all part of taking full responsibility for ourselves.


P.S. Are you in my FB group, Find Your Voice Women? I am hosting a mini version of Writing for the Heal of It free for members. Once a week for 4 weeks in April over Zoom.

Still looking for that last person to join Stand By Me, my group of 3 women for 3 months. I’m looking for a woman who is prepared to be part of an intimate, supportive group, and learn how to use her voice by becoming stronger within herself.

Interested in either one? Contact me and I’ll fill you in!

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