It’s here!

Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 3: Powerful Healers, Spiritual Stories is now live on Amazon!

I am so very proud of these authors! They’ve told their inner most truth about finding their spiritual voices and their process to accepting their gifts, so they can offer healing to others.

They are brave, they are skilled, and they are powerful. They are using their voices to change the vibration of the world.

Now we need your support. We need as many reviews of this book as possible posted on Amazon, that’s what increases the book’s ratings and puts it in front of a wider range of people. And since one of my goals of these books has always been to support others to find their voices, the more people who see it the better.

Please and thank you…head to one of the Amazon links below, or if you are from outside of North America please use your country’s Amazon, buy the ebook for $2.50 CAD or less in US dollars, read enough to make an informed review, and post it on the book’s page on Amazon.

Thank you so much. You will be helping us immensely!

Here are the links:


Amazon.com< I hope, if nothing else, when you read this book there will be even just a smidge of awareness that comes to you about your understanding of yourself, spiritual or not. The more we know about ourselves and can be ourselves, I believe we are closer to the goodness of life. And I know you want some of that! P.S. Watch for upcoming messages on our Launch Party coming up in Nov 22nd, think prizes and fun!!

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