

My kids really need me right now. Unless your kids are under the age of 18, their needs aren’t likely what you think they are. Thinking or saying that you can’t do something because your kids really need you right now is a socially acceptable excuse for not getting on with your own life, but one that will do just that…keep you from being what you really want. There is no in-between here, you really can do both.
If only he/she loved me, everything would be great. Guess what? You have zero control over someone else’s feeling or their behavior. So stop waiting for them. Relationships are never one-sided so instead of waiting for someone specific to love you, spend your time with people who respect you enough to accept who you are in all your beauty and all your flaws.
It wasn’t my fault. Are you sure about that? Let me be crystal clear here, circumstances are out of your control but you are completely in charge of your own experience of them. If you play the blame game, you never get the chance to see how much power you really have over your life. Accept your circumstances, decide how you want to experience them, and do what you can do to get there.
I can’t. Hell yes you can! The only person who can tell you what you can or can’t do is you, plain and simple. So stop saying you can’t and try saying you can. The results are pretty amazing.
I shouldn’t. Like above, hell yes you should! If it’s something that you want in your life, you should go for it. It’s called being responsible for your own happiness so manage that inner fear-monger who tells you otherwise. Simply ask yourself if in 10 years time will you regret not doing it?
I could never be that good. Of course not, but not because you really can’t be that good, but because you’re not even trying. At least give it a poke or a full on stab before you announce complete defeat. You might just be surprised at what you can actually do, and how masterful you can be.
It was nothing. Actually it was something. Something that you wanted, something that you did, or something that you made happen. Take ownership of your deeds. You deserve the acknowledgment, recognition and bragging rights!
I don’t know what I want. Yes you do. It just gets hidden among bullshit excuses that we think keep us safe. Allow yourself to wonder and dream. And ask yourself, if all the reasons I am afraid were gone, what would I be doing?
If only I had balance in my life. Balance is no magic bullet for happiness. It isn’t something that you attain. It’s a pure sense of peace, and that comes from you. Instead of thinking balance is the ultimate, look at your life and decide where you need to put more love and attention. And accept the fact that you will never reach a time in your life when every part of you is in balance all the time.
I’m not complete without a partner and a kid. Having the family and white picket fenced house is for fairy tales. Sometimes it just doesn’t happen like that. Accepting what you have today and actively working on making human connections that feel good will have you operating from a place of gratitude over lack.
If I only had more time. Shortage of time happens when we allow it to. If there is something that you really want to do, you’ll find time for it. Yes, it will likely mean saying no to something else, but don’t short change yourself by thinking that time is the ultimate controller here. It’s you.
Why does this always happen to me? Shit happens, and then it can happen again and again. Your circumstances don’t have to leave you being only a victim. It’s an easy place for you to hide, when shifting from feeling lousy to something else is super scary. Instead of supporting your victim role by whining about why things always happen to you, use that time to make your life as kick-ass as it can be.
I’m so tired of the drama. Drama sucks the life out of us and can start to feel like a lifestyle. If you’ve truly had enough and are tired of being there, get the hell out of it. You know it doesn’t feel good, so extricate yourself from friends, places and events that endorse it. Decide on who and what make you feel good and drama-free, and choose to spend your time and energy there instead.
I can’t deal with that right now. Yes you can. Life is full of ups and downs and your’s are manageable when you operate from a deep core understanding of what makes you feel good. If you feel as though you need a break to re-group or re-charge by all means do it (that’s part of feeling good) but don’t deny your ability to figure out the shit in your life.

Because hiding is never, ever really safe. (Give it a tweet!)


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