Hey diy Ass-kickers!
Lets start the new year off with a big bang!
Do you really want to change shit up in your life? Do something that will make a big impact on what you accomplish and how you feel in the coming year and beyond?
There is one thing that you can do, and the best part is that you can do it in your bathtub, in your car, at work, at your kids school, the grocery store, anywhere you want!
It’s calling bullshit on yourself, or using the polite term, taking self-responsibility.
You are likely thinking that you’re a very responsible person. You pay your bills. You send your kids to school with clean faces. You go to the dentist with some regularity, and you cut your grass before it gets to be a foot tall.
But self-responsibility is more than that. It’s being 100% responsible for not only your actions but your thoughts, your beliefs, your attitude and your perceptions.
We all have patterns that don’t serve us. And our gremlins are like our back up singers that continually belt out why we should never change them. Often we’re not even aware of why we do what we do, which is why it’s time to call bullshit on yourself.
It’s important to know that calling yourself out when your own crap gets in your way is not an act of kicking yourself while you’re down. It’s not a place to blame yourself for everything that has ever gone wrong in your lifetime. And it’s not a place to feel like you are not measuring up…again.
Like kicking your own ass, it’s a place to understand that you have a part in creating your own experiences good or bad. A place to move out of victim mode, learn about yourself and grow into some powerful behaviours that leave you feeling good about yourself and enjoy all those yummy outcomes you’ve been waiting for.
Here are some ways that you can start to practice self-responsibility.
Do you really want to change shit up in your life? Do something that will make a big impact on what you accomplish and how you feel in the coming year and beyond?
There is one thing that you can do, and the best part is that you can do it in your bathtub, in your car, at work, at your kids school, the grocery store, anywhere you want!
It’s calling bullshit on yourself, or using the polite term, taking self-responsibility.
You are likely thinking that you’re a very responsible person. You pay your bills. You send your kids to school with clean faces. You go to the dentist with some regularity, and you cut your grass before it gets to be a foot tall.
But self-responsibility is more than that. It’s being 100% responsible for not only your actions but your thoughts, your beliefs, your attitude and your perceptions.
We all have patterns that don’t serve us. And our gremlins are like our back up singers that continually belt out why we should never change them. Often we’re not even aware of why we do what we do, which is why it’s time to call bullshit on yourself.
It’s important to know that calling yourself out when your own crap gets in your way is not an act of kicking yourself while you’re down. It’s not a place to blame yourself for everything that has ever gone wrong in your lifetime. And it’s not a place to feel like you are not measuring up…again.
Like kicking your own ass, it’s a place to understand that you have a part in creating your own experiences good or bad. A place to move out of victim mode, learn about yourself and grow into some powerful behaviours that leave you feeling good about yourself and enjoy all those yummy outcomes you’ve been waiting for.
Here are some ways that you can start to practice self-responsibility.
- Call bullshit on yourself for thought-based habits and patterns that hold you hostage and have you handing over your precious existence to others. Accept however you have been handling your head space, make a list of how they don’t serve you and decide to change them up. You can start by looking for the good in things and people, and allowing yourself to see the positives in your circumstances. You can choose to believe that you are a strong woman who can have what she wants. And a biggie…you can let people see you and love you the way you are. So often we get stuck thinking we need to be a certain way to the world when that’s not who we really are. Stop hiding and start being proud of any weirdness that you claim, it probably isn’t nearly as weird as you think.
- Call bullshit on yourself for blaming others for every shitty thing that happens to you. Blame Is just a place to hide and it’s the opposite of taking responsibility for yourself. Plus no one can truly make you feel or do anything that you don’t let yourself feel or do. It may seem easier in the moment to blame someone else rather than take a deep look at where some of your habits might be contributing to your unhappy, but it just abdicates your rightful chicky powers.
- Call bullshit on yourself for thinking that it’s someone else’s job to make you feel better. It’s your’s and only your’s. For sure, we can get comfort, love and caring from the people around us but your “feel better” lives inside you, far away from those people. And who wants to put how we feel in the hands of someone else anyway when you never know when they are going to give up? Stop waiting and choose to make yourself feel better.
Practicing self-responsibility, your #1 secret bat route to a better year ahead.
If you’re stuck with some of this stuff, reach out for some support from your favourite coach (wink, wink!) or a therapist. Some stuff lies deep and can be tough to shine a light on.
If you’re stuck with some of this stuff, reach out for some support from your favourite coach (wink, wink!) or a therapist. Some stuff lies deep and can be tough to shine a light on.
Wonder what might change for you if you did?