I love to take women right to their own edge of comfort.
Right to that place where experience meets wants and needs.
Yep, that place.
Wanna go to your edge? Are you ready?
Maybe? Maybe not?
You’re more ready than you think.
There’s so much pressure around to fix things, hit that ceiling, problem solve that issue, dump that guy.
You don’t think you’re ready but you’re secretly worried that people will stop listening to your complaining about where you are now, or you’ll be seen as weak if you don’t do something soon.
You think you look like an ass.
That’s a lot of pressure.
Let’s call it for what it is though. You’re ready for change, you’re just friggin scared.
Been there, felt like that. And so has every single woman I have ever worked with. It’s how we roll.
Here’s the thing. I know that you have it in you, fear and all, to make the changes you want to see.
So start with the mindset change that is all about you.
Wanna do something? You’re ready.
Wanna go somewhere? You’re ready.
Wanna be something? You’re ready.
Then start acting like you’re ready. Do the things that you would be doing then. Train for that marathon. Save your money for your exit from your spouse. Draw up a kick-ass resume.
Think it, be it, go to the edge and do it, fear and all. You’ll love the view!
That’s how you grow your confidence to take the leaps that thinking you’re not ready have held you back from.
You are way more ready than you think!