Looking for a life change?
Wanna feel better? Like you’re not second-guessing yourself all the time? Like you don’t live on an emotional rollercoaster of negativity and positivity?
First, there is no magic bullet to make your life shift. None, unless you know something that I don’t, in which case fess-up so the rest of the world can enjoy some peace too!
Second, you can make your life change all on your own. You don’t need the 16 self-help books that are hanging around your house. (I’m guessing that even when you read them, you still feel stuck. Yes?)
Third, you and the world around you don’t have to completely change for you to start to feel better.
You can start with simply showing yourself some lovin!
Care to try?
Pick one thing that really feeds you. One thing that re-charges your batteries. Gives you back the energy that helps you keep your head in the game of your life.
I feel re-charged when I lay in the grass.
I feel re-charged when I watch natural water flow.
I feel re-charged when I fold laundry. (Sounds weird to some of us, but for other’s it’s a keeper!)
I feel re-charged when I meditate.
I feel re-charged when I go for a run.
I feel re-charged when I do yoga.
I feel re-charged when I pray.
I feel re-charged when I create… bake, cook, paint, sew, sculpt, draw.
I feel re-charged when I journal.
I feel re-charged when I get up early and sit alone with my cup of tea or coffee.
Anything that, when you do it, brings everything going on for you down a notch and makes you feel stronger and more connected to yourself.
It’s not about the things that we typically think are female “feel-betters” like manis and pedis. It’s the feeders that calm and expand us.
It’s loving yourself enough to take the time.
Because taking time to make yourself feel better is pure self-love. (Click to tweet)
So what if you started on your path of feel better change by introducing one thing that you can commit to doing each day, at whatever time serves you the best?
Just one thing. Each day. No excuses. No giving in.
Call it your “Me” time. Treat it as sacred and guard it with your life.
Starting here is how to begin to look after yourself, to treat yourself with the love and respect that you so so so deserve.