Hey diy Ass-kicker!
It’s a strange time in our world right now. So many women are overwhelmed, immobilized, and feel like complete shit from the worry and chaos that Covid19 has brought us.
I’m not going to go on about all the things that you can do to decrease your worry or anxiety right now. But I will offer one simple piece of advice.
Today, this week, this month, do you.
Do what makes you feel good.
Do what makes you feel calm.
Do what makes you feel happy and peaceful.
Our response to the crazies that fall on our shoulders is much clearer when we are stronger. When we are stronger, we are more able to manage life as we know it, even when it changes hourly. Doing what our deep core tells us about caring for ourselves, makes us stronger.
And if you’re not sure that you know what your deep core knows, ask your Inner Goddess.
That’s you, btw.
In times like these, you are your own fix.
Much love, and superhero-powered health.