What are you tolerating in your life right now? And don’t tell me nothing because I probably won’t believe you.
I recently had a booth at a local women’s show. I really truly love to gab with women about their lives so for me, the show was fantastic!
I invited women into my booth to start thinking about their lives, and one of the questions that I asked them was what they wanted less of.
The pic is of just one of the many flip chart sheets that women filled out with what they wanted to dump from their lives. Just take a look at the pic. Stress. Worry. Guilt. Drama. Any of them resonate with you?
Women also confirmed for me something that I hear all the time in my coaching practice. They shared that were putting up with those experiences because they didn’t think they could change them. They couldn’t muster up the courage to challenge the status quo. To stand up and say fuck no to things that they didn’t want in their lives.
That’s tolerating. That’s how we prove our limiting belief story true. And that’s where we decide that someone or something else is more important than we are. The more we tolerate, the more we beat ourselves up for not stepping up. And so it goes.
Think about this…
How is it serving you by simply tolerating circumstances that suck?
What are you getting from keeping yourself small? We get some pay off from all our behaviours, what’s your’s?
How do you feel as you tolerate things? How you want to feel?
What is the worse thing that could happen from not tolerating what you don’t like? Is it life-threatening or just scary as hell?
Unless you can say that you loooove the feelings that you have from tolerating the junk in your life, you may need to consider, well, STOPPING.
I realize that stopping something that is a habit is not the easiest thing in the world to do, but I challenge you to give it a try.
Start with making list of what you want less of in your life and then answering the questions above. Honestly, truthfully, from your heart to you.
Then comes a big ol’ dose of self love. Take a deep breath and accept that YOU are more important than what you’re avoiding happening by tolerating. YOU.
YOU get to choose what works for you and what doesn’t.
YOU are worthy of not having shit in your life that you really don’t want.
YOU deserve more than just tolerating. YOU deserve to feel good.
Because tolerating is not living.
Just getting by is not living.
Living is feeling all you want to feel, being ok with who you are in this world, and knowing that your happy is up to you.