I am dying to hear what you did to move your bod last week, after checking in with it first of course!
It’s a far different energy that comes from connecting to yourself and getting the answers that actually work for you. Much better than doing what you think you “should” which only results in frustration, tension, and even resentment about why you can’t get this exercise shit right.
Ya hearing me?
The same thing goes with the food you use to support that beautiful girl bod of yours!
Diets are big money makers, taking advantage of the fact that we don’t all look like the models on the cover of Cosmo, or in the words of Meghan Trainor “I ain’t no size 2”. And who are we if we’re not?
But diets are hard to follow. They tell us to change our habits, eat food we may not be familiar with, and offer us up a big ole shame sandwich when we dive in the fridge for the last of that key lime pie.
We fail at diets for the same reason we loose our energy for exercise. It’s not coming from what we need or what actually works for us.
We’re looking for our direction and sense of worth from outside ourselves instead of inside. And when we look outside, our self worth is measured by our weight, our shape, saying no to what we really want, our perceived physical sexiness or attractiveness, how people treat us, and our ability to stick to society’s plan for fixing us. Just to start.
Truth. Letting the world dictate how you feel about yourself will never leave you feeling good. You will always be looking for the next external “fix”.
Next truth. Your positive self worth only comes with pure, unadulterated love and acceptance of yourself.
Love for who you are right now.
Love for what your body looks like right now.
Love for your good days, your bad days, and everything in between. Even those bad hair days when you wear your ball cap all day long. Yep, I do that one all the time!
Loving yourself so deeply that you want to treat your body in the way that you would encourage your child or bestie to treat theirs.
It’s deciding to measure yourself by what you know to be true in your deep core, not society’s rules. It’s love, it’s honoring, it’s respecting, and when you start practicing it’s fucking amazing.
Take my challenge this week. A simple one. Connect to your body and ask what it needs to feel it’s best.
From a place of love, what truly serves you and what doesn’t?
From a place of love, what foods or drinks leave your body feeling good, building it’s strength and health?
From a place of love, what are your chosen indulgences that help you celebrate yourself? (Mine is organic dark chocolate!)
You know you’ve gotta have a conversation with your deep core.
Have it. Not one knows you like you do.
Talk about kicking your own ass…