There has been a sentiment around for awhile now that the world has changed to the extent that feminism is no longer needed.
I have friends and colleagues who wonder about how the movement has changed and how to change along with it. Younger women that I come across (including my own daughters) think that so many barriers to women’s equality have been removed that feminism is not as relevant or as necessary as it once was.
Case in point. I recall during my coaching training yakking with some other women about having a practice based on feminist coaching. That was met with long stares, questions about what the connection was and that women would likely be scared off by the term feminist.
Huge applause here for women who feel empowered. I believe that each one of us needs to look at the concepts in life and decide for ourselves how to apply them. We should take every opportunity for self-directed power that we can get our hands on.
This really isn’t about the necessity of feminism on a macro level. Do a quick google search on women’s gender equality and you’ll quickly see how women’s physical, sexual, economic, and emotional health is still being severely threatened and how women worldwide and at home are still dying. You’ll also see the scope of brilliant feminist work being done to support women, to demand positive policy change, and to create structures and systems that actually work for women.
This is about feminism at the micro or individual level. It’s the level that I see and feel every day in my work and in my community. And even if you call it something different, my bet is that you see and feel it too.
Gender inequality, as subtle as it is sometimes, has a story attached to it and can define our beliefs about ourselves because we are women.
Women are still physically abused. The belief is that they should have known better and picked a better partner.Women are still sexually assaulted. The belief is that they could have avoided it by dressing differently and not had so much to drink.Women are still being emotionally used and abused in relationships. The belief that they aren’t good enough to be loved.
Women are still poor. The belief is that there is something wrong with them that they didn’t finish school or that they can’t land a good job.
Women are still treated differently by mainstream media. The belief is that it’s normal that women can be strong, but the reality is that they are weak. (Check out the TV show Scandal. Great show until Olivia falls apart when she is within 3 feet of Fitz. Really??)
Women are still expected to check their emotion at the door of their office. The belief is that the emotion that they feel is unacceptable and has no place in the business.
Women are still mocked and shamed for their body image and their sexuality. The belief is that if they don’t conform to typical societal depictions of what women should look like, they are not as valued.
The bottom line for me is that women are still being held back. And feminism being the promotion of gender equality is the foundation for making change. We still need to question gender equality. That’s why I’ a feminist and always will be.
For those of you still on the fence, you can call it whatever you want but I challenge you to step out for yourselves, your sisters, and your daughters. Say when something goes against your grain. Reach out to support women impacted. Start the conversations. That’s all it takes to get us all recognizing and thinking about what needs to happen to move us forward in our equality. And to express that gender inequality is just not ok.
Right now my purpose is to support women to live happy regardless of their circumstances.
And here’s my message to those of you who are living with beliefs made up by gender inequality.
You are whole, you are perfect as you are, and you deserve to be treated with respect.
Your vagina is a beautiful thing, and shouldn’t be held against you.
With much feminist love…
Dianna xo
Dianna Leeder is
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