If you missed my invite last week…

I’m writing a new book and I’m looking for women with a story to tell about not being able to use their voice. We all have a story, losing our voices can often go hand in hand with being a woman. If you have one you’re ready to share, hit reply and reach out. I’ll tell you all about it. 🙂

Setting intentions for having the experiences we want is da bomb. Did I just date myself there? Lol.

I set intentions for the kind of day I want to experience, the kind of relationships I want, and the things that I want to feel in my life. But as much as I use intentions to increase my chance of actually having the experiences I want, it’s true that sometimes they don’t work.

You intend great stuff all over the place but nothing happens… nada.

Most of the time it’s because you’re missing the intimate partner that goes along with intentions, taking action. Here’s an example.

Most of us want to love and care for ourselves more. So maybe your intention is to experience the joy of being fully loving toward yourself. But you keep doing the same things that you always have and wonder why your intention isn’t working.

You keep saying yes when you want to say no.
You keep numbing out with food and/or alcohol because you’ve had a bad day.
You keep saying that you don’t have time for exercise.

Your action isn’t supporting your intention, in fact, it’s crushing it. You tell yourself that you want something but your actions say otherwise. So you never get there.

And here’s the real kicker.

Everything that you do, or don’t do, then becomes the evidence that proves in your mind that you simply aren’t worthy of having what you want. And with that, the barn door has opened and the inner mean girls are running amuck.

You keep beating yourself for all your perceived mistakes.
You see yourself as weak.
You stop trusting that you can ever really make this happen for yourself so why keep trying?

And the self-destructive cycle lives on. It’s time to shut that down.

The key is to decide that you are going to have the experience you desire by first setting your intention and then by taking action that will make it happen. That’s where amazing shit happens.

So when you set your intention today, write down one compassionate action that you will take to feel loved and cared for. Just one action today. Repeat tomorrow, and the tomorrow after that. My Deciding Journal isn’t going to be around for much longer, but it’s a free download if you need a daily tracker for setting intentions and creating the kind of day you want.

It doesn’t have to be big and crazy, it can be as simple as a 5 minute time out from your hectic day to get grounded and remind yourself that you are whole and loved, and truly do love yourself unconditionally. Be outside in nature, meditate, just breathe.

The more action you take, the more you will feel the love and care that you intend. Each time, you have more to add to your evidence list that you actually can experience what you want.

It gets easier each time, and your belief in yourself as well as your ability to get the experiences you want will grow.

And isn’t that what every diy ass-kicker is looking for?

Dianna xo

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