Are you using 2016 to move closer toward that crazy, sexy you?
You know, the one who says what’s on her mind. The one who goes after what she wants. The one who confidently knows that if she is to have the life she wants, she has to make it happen.
If you’re not, what’s in your way?
Cause unless you are in process of kicking your own ass already and making your life a more fulfilling place for you to be, you’re letting some kind of shit get in your way.
Lucy, you got some ‘splainnin to do!
Not to me, but to yourself. Think about it.
Maybe it’s fear. It’s friggin hard to make changes. Especially when we’re used to looking outside ourselves for the answers to what’s right or wrong for us.
Maybe it’s a lack of clarity about what changes or shifts will be the best choices for you. Overwhelm can take over and that proverbial “putting my finger on it” becomes more of a “where’s Waldo” kind of exercise. Not fun.
Or maybe you’re making excuses for staying put. I get that, done it myself many times. I call it a false sense of safety. Trouble is, and I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, your body, heart and soul tell you regularly that staying put doesn’t work.
Truthfully, you don’t have to do a damn thing about growing, now or ever.
But if you want more of what you know is important in your life. More of that crazy, confident, sexy you, reach out.
Find your support of choice…therapists and coaches can both help you figure out where you want to be, and what holds you hostage to not getting there.
If coaching turns your crank, I have 2 1-1 coaching spots opening up by the end of January. If you wanna know more about what coaching with me looks like and how we can work together to get you kicking your own ass, reply to this email and I’ll send you a link to book a free little gab session with me.
And remember these three things…discomfort in life sucks, you deserve to have what you want, and I’m super excited to meet your crazy, sexy self! tweet