Dianna's Blog
Where you, me and your reality and your awareness, all meet for coffee.
It's the truth, I'm a junkie.
“It’s the truth…I’m a junkie.“ I’m sitting here in Muskoka in central Ontario, looking out the window at the additional foot of snow we just got laid on us over night. I’m sooooo ready for spring! I’m a spring born baby, so I feel like I have a connection to all that...
The concept of unf#ck!ng!
This. Remember a time when you were all pumped up, living life like crazy, no worries, fewer cares, and feeling like you were unbeatable? (If you're thinking that you have never been in that place before, I just might have to call bullshit on you. Dig deeper, it's...
Who says you shouldn't have expectations of people?
What’s up with the social media posts about how much better our lives will be when we stop having expectations of others. Please! Do not get baffled by that bullshit. There is more to consider. Like how we’re built for human connection. We crave that connection from...
What if you're not a size 2?
I am dying to hear what you did to move your bod last week, after checking in with it first of course! It’s a far different energy that comes from connecting to yourself and getting the answers that actually work for you. Much better than doing what you think you...
When was the last time you acted like a kid?
Got your coffee or tea with you this morning? I wanna talk to you about exercise. I can see the look on your face already. This is the about the time of the year when those of us who decide that January 1st is the kick off to a brand new exercise routine start feeling...
You know you have a crazy, sexy side, right?
Are you using 2016 to move closer toward that crazy, sexy you? You know, the one who says what’s on her mind. The one who goes after what she wants. The one who confidently knows that if she is to have the life she wants, she has to make it happen. If you’re not,...
Sitting On Your Ass Is A Great Place To Be!
One thing we really suck at as women is recognizing when we need to take a break… then taking it. Oh no, I’ve got too much to do. I have to be there for them, its expected. I’ll feel like a slacker or lazy. I’m calling bullshit on all of that. Maybe you do have lots...
Your Determination Lives In You
In my new (read old) world, that means warm, sunny days that feel more like September. At least for now! So you know that emotional shit-kicking that I talk about a lot? It’s that place where outside forces have taken over our reality. Where our inner mean girl is the...
This Is Really Starting To Drive Me Nuts!
What the hell! I swear, if I hear one more woman talk about how she has the world to take care of (read family, friends, acquaintances, etc) and therefore can’t take care of herself, I might just lose it! Truthfully, it makes me very sad to hear how we allow ourselves...
What Italy Reminded Me
Back from Italy. What a great trip! The architecture, the history, the food, the weather, the people, the wine, the cappuccino... I could go on and on. It was a different holiday for me though. I'm used to powering through a vacation with the energy of the Ever-Ready...
This is what sexy feels like
I can still recall a time many years ago, when I truly felt like someone had just punched me in the gut. There I was sitting on my couch with no energy to move, and the realization that waiting for someone else to fix my “stuff” was not working. I was giving away my...
Don't let guilt get in the way of shopping for a new bag.
Over the past years of personal development, I've had lots of revelations that have left me with a greater understanding of myself. One of those understandings is about what influenced me as a kid to grow up being the woman that I am, with all my baggage, fears and...
Sexy Isn't About Cleavage
How sexy or un-sexy are you feeling right this minute? And where did your mind immediately go when you searched for your answer? Feeling sexy is an amazing feeling that takes me to a bit of a Zen place. It’s a place where I feel confident, strong, courageous and...
3 Ways to Rock Your Fall
Looks like summer is starting to wrap up again. It's a weird time of the year for me. I hate seeing the beautiful weather leave, especially when it's been such an amazing summer! But, I also love the fall. Truth be told, it's my favorite season. Boots and sweaters,...
Got a bear that needs poking?
I recently read an article that talked about the need to have a vision, or something extraordinary to shoot for. In my mind, I think that's the truth. Having something to look at, in front of wherever you are in life, something totally inspiring and motivating,...
Surviving 34 years of marriage
I recently celebrated 34 years married to the same guy. I know! Holy shit, huh? It actually looks much longer written down then it feels in reality! I was 22 when we met, and I can honestly say that didn’t know squat about myself, my needs, or what I wanted from life....
Living on Autopilot Sucks
Most of us live on autopilot. A lot. Doing things we really don’t want to do because we think we should. Saying things that we don’t entirely agree with just to keep the peace. Taking our direction solely from what's happening around us. Autopilot. No thinking, no...
There's mad, then there's MAD!
Everybody gets mad sometimes. There have been times when I've been so mad that I felt like my head was going to explode. Bummer for the people on the other end of that! Anger has been automatically categorized as negative and inappropriate, but I want to give you...
The View from the Edge
I love to take women right to their own edge of comfort. Right to that place where experience meets wants and needs. Yep, that place. Wanna go to your edge? Are you ready? Maybe? Maybe not? You're more ready than you think. There's so much pressure around to fix...
The world doesn't have to change for you to feel better.
Looking for a life change? Wanna feel better? Like you're not second-guessing yourself all the time? Like you don't live on an emotional rollercoaster of negativity and positivity? First, there is no magic bullet to make your life shift. None, unless you know...
Your Best Life Is On You
Grab your coffee, I wanna tell you something. I love to read, or should I say, I love to buy books. My nightstand is piled high with the popular self help titles and my iPad is fully loaded. Truthfully, I love to stick my face in a book just before sleep, but my...
4 messages that I needed to hear
What is it that we all want so very badly when things go south in our lives or we're just looking for more? Answers. We want someone to tell us how to make shifts and changes that will make the shit in our lives go away, make us more successful, more connected to our...
Compassionately working on your best life
Ok, so you've had about as much crap in your life as you are willing to take. You're tired of being slammed, thinking that you have no control over your own damn life, and feeling negative and down on yourself and others. You're done. So you get some help. And if it's...
The worst part about being a life coach
Don't get me wrong, I love being a life coach. I love helping women go to places in themselves that they never thought of, or have been too afraid to go. It's the best way I've ever found to honestly figure out what we need to do to have the life we want. And I love...
Power circles friggin' ROCK!
Power circles friggin' ROCK! I want you to start thinking about power circles. You've probably heard, including from me, that you need to be really picky with the kinds of friends (of the love and/or shopping kind) you let into your life, and make sure that your...
The one message that changed my whole freakin' life
People frequently ask me what it was that made me turn my life around. At one point in my past, I was couch-ridden. I had no motivation to do anything but bitch and complain. My relationships were taking a huge hit and my sense of worthiness was in the toilet. No...
Who the 'eff doesn't get scared sometimes?
How many women do you actually know who don't get fearful? Who have complete confidence in themselves and their path in life? Who are not held back in some way by their perception of themselves? If you know someone, I'd love meet her and and do the whole coach thing...
Shame is not a cuss word
I've been doing some training of late, and some of my own inner work on shame. It's based on Dr. Brene Brown's theory of shame and of vulnerability as the way to move through it. If you haven't read Brene Brown's three books or listened to her Ted talks yet, I would...
Stop The Irritation
"Stop waiting for others to change. Recognize that every person has the right to be whatever they choose—even if you irritate yourself about it." Dr. Wayne Dyer, best-selling author and speaker. Love this quote! It’s so true. Every person has the right to be...
7 Ways To Love The Holidays (And Not Loose Your Shit Again This Year)
By now you’re probably right in the thick of holiday prep… The decorating, the budget, what you will gift to whom, the entertaining, the meal plans, the grocery shopping, wondering how to stay sane during the annual family get together, finding the little black...
Overwhelm, Shmoverwhelm…Time to Deal
How are you this week? Today we're yakking about overwhelm, that evil word we use to describe how we feel when things are just too much for us to handle or as I like to put it, when we feel like our head is going to explode. Here's the premise... Overwhelm feels...
Owning Your Awesome Podcast
Life is not meant to be feared, it's meant to be freaking amazing! Check out my show on Owning Your Awesome today! http://jeneanzunk.podbean.com/e/dianna-leeder/
Honestly? You're gonna get them. I like to call them smack downs. They suck. They make you spiral down into feeling like you don't make the grade in any part of your life. They color your experience of everything that you do or see. I had one a couple of weeks ago. I...
6 Things That Will Make You Dance Like Pharrell
6 Things That Will Make You Dance Like Pharrell Pharrell Williams sings about being happy. I know you've heard the song, it's played on the radio about a zillion times a day. We all want happy. Pharrell just puts on his cool hat, dances up a storm, and invites all us...
I Call Bullshit on Life Balance
I Call Bullshit on Life Balance Do you have life balance? I sure as heck don’t. As women, we are always looking for balance in our lives. For time to get everything done on our to-do list and still have time for ourselves. To respond to the tons of demands on us with...
What are you tolerating in your life right now? And don't tell me nothing because I probably won't believe you. I recently had a booth at a local women's show. I really truly love to gab with women about their lives so for me, the show was fantastic! I...
Gotta give it up! Happy Sunday Video!
This video comes with instructions... Watch. Dance a little, or a lot if you want. Decide what you can do this week to help you move into that life you really want. You know, the one that totally rocks! Email me with details, details, details please! Action changes...
What To Do When You Want To Stop The Hurt
What To Do If You Want To Stop The Hurt I coach women who hurt. Women who are strong, independent and self-sufficient. Women who are smart, creative and successful. But they hurt. Something has happened to leave them feeling less than...
Do You Need To Fire A Friend?
Do You Need To Fire A Friend? Have you ever been in the position of knowing that someone in your life is really not there for you? Someone who takes more than they give? Someone who drains the hell out of you every single time you connect? Do you feel judged by...
Your International Women's Day Challenge!
Today is International Women's Day. It's a day to celebrate women, their experiences and their resilience in the face of gender inequality and adversity. To me it's far more than that. IWD is a day where women, no matter what they have been through, can stand...

Shit Women Say
SHIT WOMEN SAY My kids really need me right now. Unless your kids are under the age of 18, their needs aren't likely what you think they are. Thinking or saying that you can't do something because your kids really need you right now is a socially acceptable...
Don't Let Valentine's Day Screw With Your Head
Love said to me, There is nothing that is not me. -Rumi Happy Valentine’s Day! Is this a great day for you? Or a bullshit day? Sure, there are plenty of women who are in loving relationships that think this is the best day ever. And then there are women who...

Feminism From Where I Sit.
There has been a sentiment around for awhile now that the world has changed to the extent that feminism is no longer needed. I have friends and colleagues who wonder about how the movement has changed and how to change along with it. Younger women that I come across...
Freedom, Dianna style.
Freedom, Dianna style. Ever wonder about the meaning of freedom? Not the dictionary meaning but what it means to you? Freedom from what? What would it look like, and what would it feel like? How is it different today than it was before? How do you experience...
Are you up for a No?
Are you up for a No? I get it. It's tough to say no. We're supposed to be Superwomen and be able to do it all, aren't we? And do it all with a big smile, a great job, a clean house, a satisfied partner, well-behaved kids, cleavage and a size 4 ass. The...
Gettin' Dirty With Your Deep Core
Gettin' Dirty With Your Deep Core Time to get down and dirty about your deep core. I get super excited when I think about women’s deep cores. Your’s, mine, doesn’t much matter. Women’s deep cores totally rule! Mind out of the gutter please! You know I'm not talking...
Find All Your Peeps
Find All Your Peeps! Our friends are the best. Girlfriends especially. Love that we have them in our lives! We women tend to think that we can do everything, and I do mean everything, all by ourselves. The family rests on our shoulders, right? So does the...
Gremlins, Wounded Inner Kids And First Steps
Gremlins, Wounded Inner Kids and First Steps I’ve got voices in my head that yak at me all day long. And if I'm not mistaken so do you. It's pretty common. Having voices in your head is really not as freaky as the kid in The Sixth Sense seeing dead people. As...
10 Things You Should Never Do if You Want to Stop Feeling Crappy
10 Things You Should Never Do If You Want To Stop Feeling Crappy 1. Never lecture your kids the way your parents did you. What was it parents always used to say? “If your friend told you to jump off a bridge, would you do that too?” You are smart and capable,...

Wanna borrow my boxing gloves?
What does conflict make you feel and do? Does thinking about that question make you wanna borrow my boxing gloves? I'm good at sharing. Think you're going to need them? What's your m.o. when conflict hits you? Defensive? "Me? I didn't do anything to deserve...

Do you have gas?
Do you have gas? I can hear the giggles now. You’re thinking I’m talking about people passing gas. Nope. Too bad though, that can be funny. Is it the price of gas for your car? Nope. I think that as a society, we’ve talked about that one enough thanks....

Womens Coaching Website Launch – Crave More Life
Today is the official launch of my brand spankin' new Womens Coaching Website!! Check it out, you’re going to love it! You're here now so roam around, and keep reading to see what you can win! Check me out | WTF is Womens Coaching? | See how I can work with you...

You Know You Need to Kick Your Own Ass With A Life Coach When…
Warning...the following post is not meant to insult, demean, or in any way negate the experiences of readers. It is however, meant to make you laugh a little at shit that we can get sooo caught up in! You know it's time to kick your own ass with a life coach when......

Choosing You is Self Love
Choose you. That's the message I give to my daughters, my sisters, my friends. It's that important. Choosing you is about learning to love yourself unconditionally. That crazy no-holds-barred, I-would-trade-myself-for-you-in-a-hostage-situation kind of love. That...

The Fastest Way to Your Happy
I work with women who are unhappy with their lives. Usually that's women who have had so much crap thrown at them over the years, they just can't get to their happy place anymore. They just want peace. Peace from the shitty ex-partner. Peace from circumstances where...
What is Self-Love Anyway?
It's loving every inch of you. Fat or skinny. Wrinkles or big nose. Formally educated or life-smart. It's lovingly standing up for yourself when your boundaries have been crossed. It's eating and drinking what you know feels energizing and healthy to your body, not...

Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself
I love questions, guess that's why I coach. The more powerful and provocative the better. Why? It's simple. They help us understand ourselves better. When we let them. How many times have you answered "fine" to people asking how you are? They don't really want to...

Can't Figure It Out? Just Start!
"To find the happiness we all desire we have to figure out: (1) what to do, (2) how to do it, (3) where to get the strength to get it done. ...Even when we seem to be hung up on what to do or how to do it this hang-up is rarely the real problem. The problem is we...

Things I Wouldn't Share on a First Date
It occurred to me that you may not know me very well. You've taken the leap to jump on my list and into this community of like-minded women. And most of you have trusted me enough to "like" my Facebook page. Ps, have I said thank you recently? If not, a big MUAH to...

Get Rid Of The Cloud
You know how this goes. You have a painful experience with someone. You think about it. You think about it more. You can't focus on other things you need to get done. You just can't let it go. And each time you think about it, you get that same gut-wrenching...

6 Ways To Use The “F” Word
Ok, don't get all excited about using the F word. I'm sure you know exactly how and when to use that fabulous, effective word and do so when the mood strikes. I know I do! This is about another f word. Fear. Puts a bit of a knot in my gut just saying it out loud....

Step Out of Your Fear Zone
I have this lovely friend in Dubai who regularly shares my love of silly, fun ways to just pump up life. One day she kindly sent me the link for the Dance Walk craze. I loooved it! Watching people strut their stuff down the streets of New York City without a care in...

What Saying Goodbye To My Daughters Taught Me
I have two beautiful daughters. Without question, they both own a piece of my heart. It’s one of those Mom things, you know what I’m talking about. Your babies are everything and, even though you look like a raving idiot at times, there is nothing you wouldn’t do to...

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
Seriously, what is it with us women? It’s like it’s part of our friggin’ DNA! Sound familiar? ” There must be something wrong with me because I can’t get a date…my boyfriend dumped me…my spouse cheated on me“. I know you’ve heard them all before, if not said them...

How To Keep The Holidays From Making You Go Ape-Shit
Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate, it’s all the same to women. We work our asses off, spread so much friggin’ love that we wonder where it’s all coming from, and in the words of the kid from Christmas Vacation “we still get the shaft”. What’s with that? In...