Warning…the following post is not meant to insult, demean, or in any way negate the experiences of readers. It is however, meant to make you laugh a little at shit that we can get sooo caught up in!
You know it’s time to kick your own ass with a life coach when…
-your hubby calls you from his girlfriend’s house to tell you to start dinner…and you do
-you scream your face off at that “less then helpful asshole” from your cell phone company for the mistake they made, just ’cause they made you mad
-you totally relate to Annie from the movie Bridesmaids…no really, she could be your clone from birth
-you watch a soap opera and are left feeling like you’re missing something by not wearing more makeup and having an affair with your husband’s second brother’s cousin by marriage
-you find it quite satisfying and somewhat rewarding to complain about your shitty life on Facebook
-you’ve thought a lot about this and are positive that you don’t have a damn thing to be grateful for
-you’re certain that if people around you would only change, you’d get along with them just fine
-you’re pretty sure that the woman across the room of 200 people was shooting you a dirty look
-you’re sure that if they would only let you, you could run your adult kids lives way better then they can
-you can’t drive back and forth to work in a day without giving someone the finger
-you think it’s your wifely job to always agree with your in-laws just to keep the peace then turn into Turbo Bitch as soon as they’re out the door
-you hate keeping up with the Joneses next door, in fact you simply hate the Joneses
-you find yourself repeatedly saying “are you fucking kidding me?” when you can’t get a good parking space at the mall
-you lie awake nights thinking “If only I had a Beemer, a new house, sex more often then just Saturday nights, a kid who doesn’t pick his nose, a ton more money (you fill in the blanks) my life would be absolutely perfect!”
-you blame everything that happens to you on your shitty past, even that drought that is expected this coming summer
I could keep going but you get the picture.
Got shit in your life that just doesn’t feel right? Life coaching is a great way to safely and courageously learn about yourself, your needs, wants and boundaries.
If you’ve got the guts, find me and I’ll show you how!
Dianna xo

dianna leeder coach crave more womens life coaching

Dianna Leeder is thewomenscoach@cravemorelife.com/.

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