by Dianna | Dec 19, 2014 | Advice, Coaching, Fear, Gremlins, Relationships, Self-love
By now you’re probably right in the thick of holiday prep… The decorating, the budget, what you will gift to whom, the entertaining, the meal plans, the grocery shopping, wondering how to stay sane during the annual family get together, finding the little black...
by Dianna | Aug 10, 2014 | Advice, Coaching
How are you this week? Today we’re yakking about overwhelm, that evil word we use to describe how we feel when things are just too much for us to handle or as I like to put it, when we feel like our head is going to explode. Here’s the premise…...
by Dianna | Aug 5, 2014 | Advice, Podcast
Life is not meant to be feared, it’s meant to be freaking amazing! Check out my show on Owning Your Awesome today!
by Dianna | Jun 22, 2014 | Advice, Coaching, Relationships, Self-love
Honestly? You’re gonna get them. I like to call them smack downs. They suck. They make you spiral down into feeling like you don’t make the grade in any part of your life. They color your experience of everything that you do or see. I had one a couple of...
by Dianna | May 25, 2014 | Advice, Coaching, Self-love
6 Things That Will Make You Dance Like Pharrell Pharrell Williams sings about being happy. I know you’ve heard the song, it’s played on the radio about a zillion times a day. We all want happy. Pharrell just puts on his cool hat, dances up a storm, and...
by Dianna | May 2, 2014 | Advice
I Call Bullshit on Life Balance Do you have life balance? I sure as heck don’t. As women, we are always looking for balance in our lives. For time to get everything done on our to-do list and still have time for ourselves. To respond to the tons of demands on us with...