You have just one job:


Hang with 6 women for 3 months

and that’s what will happen!

Know what’s in your way,

get clear on what you need to feel sexy,

and take brave action that says no more tolerating

Reclaim what you never really lost

(it’s just been in hiding).



Take Your Sexy BackBefore you start loving the thought about feeling sexy again, this is not a class where you learn how to make your body look sexier than you think it does now, give yourself a complete makeover, or walk with a sultry strut.
Nope, it’s not about that. And it’s not about measuring your sexy against the latest cover of Cosmo or the typical family drama that drains the hell out of you.
If you’re not feeling sexy right now, it’s not going to happen if you try to conform to what we’ve been taught about sex and sexy. And it’s not going to happen if you let other people dictate what your sexy is and when you should feel it. Your feelings of sexy are strictly an inside job!
Staying small, hiding from conflict, putting yourself last, DOES NOT feel sexy. It feels resentful, sad, unfulfilled…and it does nothing to support you, the people you love or those who love you.
Hiding from who you really are and what you truly want doesn’t feel sexy, but getting out there and being true to yourself does.

  • So fly your freak flag, be a nerd, be different from those around you.
  • Ask for that raise or more respect from your employer.
  • Demand the equity in your relationship you deserve.
  • Take care of your body and soul first (and no, this is nowhere near selfish).
  • Do and be exactly who you want, no compromises.

Women who stay small do not feel sexy.

They don’t connect with their version of sexy, and they don’t get shit done that they want to in their life. That takes measuring sexy in their terms, no one else’s.
It’s time to stop feeling like you’re outside your life looking in.
It’s time to go after your dreams with the strength, the energy, and the confidence that comes from feeling sexy.
It’s time to stir your own pot, ruffle your own feathers, and show yourself and the world exactly how strong you can be.


It’s time to stop mistaking your sexy for the need to be someone other than you know you really are..
It’s time to pay attention to what you want and make it happen.
It’s time to take your sexy back and feel the confidence that lives there.

Here are the deets…

TAKING YOUR SEXY BACK is a small group, high-energy, life coaching program that will help you understand and reach your personal and/or professional goals so you start feeling sexy again.
That confident sexy, that kicking your own ass sexy, that “I’ve got this shit” sexy.
The group you’ll be hanging with is small and intimate, lots of time for coaching and connecting with other women who are right where you are, and to get/give support about where you want to step out to feel your sexy again.
Certified Life and Confidence Coach Dianna Leeder will be leading the TAKING YOUR SEXY BACK group of no more than 6 soul sisters for 3 months of brave, “I-matter-enough-to-do-this” action.
It’s casual, it’s loving, it’s deep. And it’s real. Oh, and it’s fun!



The program includes:

• 12 hours of group coaching (1 video class per week for 12 weeks over 3 months, Mondays 2-3 pm EST, November 2/15 – January 25/16, skipping the Christmas holidays.
• 3 hours of private coaching with me, 1 phone call per month for the 3 months of the group. It’s where you get to go deeper with your own stuff in an even more personal space.
• 12 group challenges covering our essential topics, feeling your sexy gets easier the more you practice.
• 3 private challenges — from me to only you, based on what you want to accomplish to keep you making significant progress towards taking your sexy back.
• Access to 12 kick-ass women from my personal and professional community (coaches, educational leaders, small biz owners, teachers and trainers) who will share inspirational messages about taking their sexy back. We’re talking the sexiness of being your own fashion/style diva, of being cool with your sexual body, of promoting your own equality, of nourishing your girl bod, and of feeding your brain to name a few.
• Access to the TAKING SEXY BACK Facebook community, your place to connect with women in the program outside of the group sessions, share success stories and get/give support. Every member takes a vow of privacy and confidentially so your stories are safe in our sisters container.

What other women have said about Dianna, her coaching and coaching programs…

“ I am so thrilled with what I am learning and how I am already growing. Yippee! Yippee! Feels fatastic!” D.C.


“Being around other like-minded women and listening to their stories gave me the confidence to believe that “I’ve got this!” L.H.


“Dianna, you always make me think and dig deep. Thanks for that…” M.L.


“ Coaching was just the experience I needed. Dianna was able to help me find my way into being myself again, a better, stronger, self-loving me.” J.S.


“You make me think about me.” S.R.


“ For the first time tonight I really felt a tiny bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, I might be ok. Thank you for that.” K.P.


“ Dianna challenged me to dig deep into my core and find out what it really was that I wanted out of my life, what goals, dreams, and fears I had.  What boundaries I needed to set in my relationships with others.  What comfort zones I had with myself, and how to move myself towards them and past them.  She basically helped me kick my own ass!” S.C.


Enough waiting for something to “make” you feel sexy. It’s time to start taking your sexy back!

The total investment for TAKING SEXY BACK is $1,297. This investment in yourself is for everything listed above — including the private coaching with me.
After making your initial deposit of $197, you’ll get a break until the group starts until November 1st. Then your balance is split into 3 monthly payments on or around November 1, December 1 and January 1!  (p.s. I totally get how December is hard on the wallet so if that’s the case for you, find me and we’ll work something out to change the payment schedule up for you.)
Is it a shit-ton of money to spend on yourself? Hell yes!
Is it worth it to say “This is for me, and I deserve to make a commitment to myself and my feelings of contentment and sexy? Absofuckinglutely!
I’m there to help you figure out what your sexy back means, how to get it and to hold you to a level of courage and action that you’re not seeing right now.
3 months, we’ll be holding hands and hearts.
Reserve your space in the program with a deposit of $197 today and get your TAKE YOUR SEXY BACK start now personal gift from me delivered to right to your home.

No hiding. No waiting for things to change. No hoping that the sexy back fairy will tap you on the head with her magic wand and lay some feeling-like-a-sexy-goddess on you, so you don’t have to face what’s not working in your life.

You lead the change. On your terms. The way you want to be and the way you want to live.
This is your time.
Because there is NOTHING sexier than being yourself!
See you there!
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