by Dianna | Apr 14, 2021 | Advice, Podcast
Watch Here Or Listen Here Carolyn McGee, Intuition Teacher & Coach, former corporate high-tech star and serial entrepreneur specializes in helping women amplify their Intuitive Superpower to listen to, trust and follow...
by Dianna | Apr 11, 2021 | Coaching, Fear
You’ve got this amazing opportunity in front of you, one that you know will move you forward. An opportunity to do something that lights you up and will help you grow in a big way. But wait. To take advantage of the opportunity, you have to do something that’s scary....
by Dianna | Apr 4, 2021 | Coaching
Happy Easter everyone! Hope the bunnies are hopping and the chocolate is flowing! NO is a word that we often don’t appreciate. For a giggle, I took a quick look at the dictionary for how the word NO is used and there were three things that I found interesting. NO is...
by Dianna | Mar 31, 2021 | Advice, Coaching, Podcast
Watch Here or Listen Here Gila is a Spiritual Heart Guide. From a young age, she dedicated her life to sharing her light through her poetry, books, videos, and conscious collaboration. Gila channels her words from Source to heal and guide you to open up your creative...
by Dianna | Mar 28, 2021 | Coaching, Find Your Voice
Have you ever been in a situation that you were uncomfortable with, but were worried that you would hurt someone’s feelings if you spoke up? And then you sucked it up because, well, you just couldn’t hurt them. But you keep sweating it, feeling badly because nothing...