Have you ever been in a situation that you were uncomfortable with, but were worried that you would hurt someone’s feelings if you spoke up?

And then you sucked it up because, well, you just couldn’t hurt them.

But you keep sweating it, feeling badly because nothing is resolved. Letting your mind go in every which direction about what you should do, and what kind of person you would be if you hurt someone’s feelings.

And in the end, you decide to be the “bigger person” and protect someone else.


But do we have to protect others at all costs to be good people ourselves?


We are already good people. Even with the faux pas and mistakes we all have made, we remain good people.

I fully believe that we are in this world to be aligned with who we are and what we need. That’s how we become and stay strong, that’s where we live from the overflow of goodness.

That’s where we can openly offer our human service to other people with love, kindness and all the other things that we know we are made of. It’s by sharing parts of ourselves, modelling that we are aligned to ourselves, that we are fully living our purpose in support of other humans.

Other people don’t need our protection. They are whole people who are capable of making their own decisions and feeling what they choose to feel. Assuming that others can’t take whatever it is we need to say to them is not human service, it’s human disservice.

In that moment when you want to speak up but are worried that you might hurt someone, get clear about what you want to say and the message you want to get across.

Then decide what’s important to you in your delivery. Expressing yourself in ways that leave you walking away feeling good about yourself is being aligned with the woman you are. Walking away with love and grace in your heart is honouring both you and the other person.

And simply accept the other person’s right to their own response while wishing them love.

Sweating this stuff doesn’t make you a good person.

Living aligned with yourself does.

Dianna xo

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