Love the hell out of your muffin top!

Hey diy Ass-Kickers
I’ll admit it right here in front of all you lovely ladies who are kind enough to listen to me every week.
I’ve got a muffin top.
I do. Some days it’s bigger than others but it’s been hanging around for a few months now.
Wanna know what I do about it?
Nothing. Nada. Not a damn thing.
Because it is part of me, and I love all that is me.
So instead of looking at it in the mirror and thinking “Yuck, I gotta get to the gym more” or “That’ll teach me for being stupid enough to eat that donut”, I take a different approach.

I say thank you.
I express gratitude for my muffin top. And the growing sag in my boobs. And the ass that is less than perky.
They all got there by me having experiences that I have loved. The Italian wine and pasta accounts for the muffin top, and my years have brought the other two.
Would I change any of it? Nope. Not even for a bod like Beyonce.
And as I’m living this life that is so amazing and full of fun, joy, and did I say fun? I’m saying yes to things that make me feel good, which is my version of health.
The donuts are rare for sure because sugar and white flour don’t agree with me.
The body movement is becoming less in your face and more gentle and loving.
The style is always high (even in Muskoka where everybody is on full time vacation at the cottage), and I wear what makes me feel good.
It’s always my choice.
Just like my choice to love my bod and be connected to what is there over wishing for something else.

Why waste your time? Focus on what feels good in the long run, not just the surface good but the deep core good.
Whether it changes or not, your best bod is right in front of you.

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