Hey diy ass-kicker!
Yay you! You did it!
You stood up and stepped up. For yourself.
You said what you needed to say. You did what you needed to do. You behaved like the woman you want to be.
The woman you really are.
Because we are not meant to live in conflict with ourselves.
We are not meant to go without what we want.
And we are not meant to think we are less than the woman we dream of being.
We truly are meant to have it all. And you have taken a leap toward that.
You absolutely rock. You are brave and courageous. Rather ballsy actually, in a girl kinda way!
You may be asking yourself, what now? Now that you’ve started down this path, what now?
Hmmm…what now?
Nothing more than what you are doing right this minute.
Asking yourself what would make you feel good and figuring out each step to getting there, even if it’s just a teeny tiny move in the right direction.
Giving yourself some big loving for the courage you have shown the world.
And taking each day at a time to kick your own ass, make mistakes, and feel exactly what you want to feel. Not tomorrow, but today.
And while you are there, share your experiences with a sister or two who is looking to follow in your magnificent footsteps.
Big mofo shoes to fill, indeed.
And they are on your feet.
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