In my new (read old) world, that means warm, sunny days that feel more like September. At least for now!
So you know that emotional shit-kicking that I talk about a lot?
It’s that place where outside forces have taken over our reality. Where our inner mean girl is the strongest voice in our head. Where we have succumbed to that which we think we cannot change. Ever.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. The seeming ease that emotional shit-kickings take us over. That’s usually when I hear from clients, when they are sitting right there in that muck.
They reach out because something lives inside them, telling them that the muck is not where they want to be. And they think they don’t know how to get out of it.
Truth is, they do know. We all know the answers to our own challenges, who would ever know better?
It’s just that sometimes the overwhelm of the shit-kicking leaves no room for that understanding to surface. And to get through it, we have to follow those feelings that tell us that we are meant for more.
The poster above is about the strength of a determined woman. I believe that shit with all of me. Do not get in the way of a woman who knows what she wants! tweet
When we decide to listen to our feelings, when we start to trust our own judgement, when we acknowledge that we were meant for more than the muck of life, magic takes over.
We become a force to be reckoned with. Moving from our place of muck, to the warmth of a beach lounge chair, a cozy rug by a blazing fire, a lux hotel-styled bed, or whatever your own imagery is.
Then the determination takes over. We hold our new imagery up as not just a goal but the expectation of ourselves. We get clear about how to get there with love and compassion. We let our values guide us.
We’ve go shit to do and we do it. tweet
Every day becomes a new place to gather that determination again. And when smack-downs arrive, as they will, we stay the course. What we consider on the outside as a crisis becomes just more reason to be determined.
Force = power.
That’s you. Miss fucking powerful.
Love to hear where you are going to use your determination to better your life…

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