You really can’t practice vulnerability on Facebook

Sometimes it feels like the term vulnerability has become a bit of a buzz word. Every time I’m on social media I read about people claiming to be vulnerable with the expectation that doing so will change their lives. And practiced thoughtfully, vulnerability has the...

A confession…

As most of you know, my dad passed away recently after a process of swift brain deterioration. To say that it was a devastating, heart-breaking experience feels trite. It was one of the most difficult things that I have ever been witness to. With my heart held...

Believing more than just the shit in your head

Hey diy Ass-kickers What is it that holds us back more than anything? Our beliefs about ourselves. What is it that keeps us believing what we do? Our history from childhood to this morning. Our thoughts and feelings that come from how we see ourselves throughout our...

Self-rescue and learning from my love

Hey diy Ass-kicker! I was having a chat with my love the other day, you know, one of those wonderful talks over coffee in the wee hours of the morning before anyone gets up and turns on too many lights! My guy is a very sensitive man and we are (for the most part) on...