My mother used to say “no rest for the wicked” with some frequency when I was growing up. Can’t say I ever really asked her about what she meant, other than if you are the wicked type, you’re gonna always be chased.

For some weird reason, those words keep jumping into my head this week. Maybe because I am working on some kick-ass programs that I’m pretty sure you’re gonna love. I love them already!

When I think about those words, I am reminded of the major reason why I’ve done the inner work to improve my existence, and why if you feel like shit, you should do your own inner work to improve your’s. Not that either one of us is particularly wicked, unless we chose to be of course.

In both cases, me and you, it boils down to that vision of being chased. Not by a zombie, or a wild boar, or that store security guy when you were 12, but by our own demons.

Our own demons that won’t let us be content, live in peace, feel settled, be truly grateful, feel real joy, grow up or grow down, thrive like a plant that gets tons of sunshine and water, love fucking-full-out.

Without doing the inner work about what and who those demons are and what the mean to our happy existence, we’re pooched.

From that pooched place, there is no where to go but stay where we are.

Back in 2011, that was not an option for me. Life as I knew it was changing, I was changing. And the only way to move through all that in one piece was down the middle of it, from the inside.

I still feel like I have very large lady balls for doing the work I did to feel in control of my life again, and for starting Crave More Life as a way of helping other women do the same.

For the love of nothing and no-one but yourself, take a quick look for your lady balls.

I know they are there, and I bet they’re huge.

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