Life brings whatever the Universe wants it to, right to our front door. And when it does, we’re left with considering how to manage our response. Do we go left or do we go right?

I see left as being our love for ourselves, the love the feels so good, you totally get that it is so very shareable.

The right for me is the discipline part, the discipline that tells us that there is one and only way to approach an issue. The “I am tough” way.

But what about the centre? Something to consider because things are never black or white, there is always a middle ground.

Consider that we don’t have to take sides, we can incorporate the parts of left and the parts of right any way we like. Any way that feels right in our deep core.

What might the centre look like? It looks like combining the most important elements to us of left and right, and creating a plan that has us both standing our ground and walking tall with integrity at the same time.

This isn’t just about a conflict with someone, or a problem to be solved. It’s about how we can manage ourselves so that what we are expressing is actually heard. It’s about natural life changes that come to us that feel weird because they are different. It’s about being our real selves with anyone we connect with.

It’s combining the soft side of you with the tough side of you. Where you can easily reach out and see that you are actually made of both. Where you can also see that you are tired of being pulled to one side or the other and it’s not giving you the results you really want.

Left + right, soft + tough, love + discipline.

What would your centre look like?

Dianna xo

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