When Intentions Don't Work

When Intentions Don't Work

I adore setting intentions. I set them for the kind of day I want to experience, the kind of relationships I want, and the things that I want in my life. But as much as I use them all the time, it’s true that sometimes they don’t work. You intend great...

Stop The Irritation

“Stop waiting for others to change. Recognize that every person has the right to be whatever they choose—even if you irritate yourself about it.” Dr. Wayne Dyer, best-selling author and speaker.   Love this quote! It’s so true. Every person has the...

Overwhelm, Shmoverwhelm…Time to Deal

How are you this week? Today we’re yakking about overwhelm, that evil word we use to describe how we feel when things are just too much for us to handle or as I like to put it, when we feel like our head is going to explode. Here’s the premise…...